Rabb Se Hai Dua 24th October 2024 Written Update: Shubhan wants to be free from the clutches of Ibaadat

Rabb Se Hai Dua 24th October 2024 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

The episode starts with Gulzar who recalls the old days when Haidar used to ignore her after getting Dua in his life. He was so much in love with Dua, he didn’t care the effort and love of Gulzar. The ignorance of Haider made her more jealous. She tried everything to get the love of Haidar but her wish remained unfulfilled. Not getting the love, she killed Haidar. But unfortunately, even after the accident she was saved with a distorted face. Now Gulzar wants to take the revenge on Dua to kill her.

In the court room, the lawyer of Subhan represent him and his problems related with his wife. Following with the question, Ibaadat is asked why she doesn’t want to give the devorce to her husband. She proudly says she loves his husband and she doesn’t want to be separated. She believes in the conjugal relationship rather than breaking it up. She just prefers to give a second chance to their relationship. But the judge reminds Ibaadat that her husband doesn’t want to stay with her.

Ibadat emphatically says that Subhan was manipulated to give the divorce to her that’s why she wouldn’t listen her husband anymore. There was a third person who was washing his brain. Meanwhile, Subhan objects and says he doesn’t love Ibaadat anymore. Ibaadat asks Subhan why he was afraid to give her the divorce at first. Subhan hesitates to tell he was in love with Ibaadat and didn’t want to take the hard step. But Ibaadat knows if very well.

Shubhan wants to be free from the clutches of Ibaadat who knows how to betray someone. With the beauty of her, she always breaks other’s heart. When ibadat mentions the evil actions about Mannat the latter becomes very angry. But Ibaadat lashes her out for interfering in her personal life in front of everyone. She also compares Mannat with a witch who destroyed her marital life.

A furious dispute takes place between Ibaadat and Mannat. The judge of the court also becomes tired to stop them. After drinking a glass of water, he rebukes Mannat for interfeering in the courtroom. She is asked to take her own chair. When the judge asks the proof from Subhan, he gets ready to hand over it. Subhan wants to show something to everyone so that he can prove that Ibaadat is not a very sane person. Subhan plays the video in where Ibaadat is firing her own bed. the judge is also told the incident about the hotel in where Ibaadat was disturbing Subhan and Mannat.

Episode ends.

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