Ram Bhavan 15th March 2025 Written Update: Acharya and her family meet Kirtan’s family.

Ram Bhavan 15th March 2025 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

Episode starts with Mala telling Acharya and her wife that Shivani’s mother wnats Om to get married to her. Om’s mother says that it’s a very good news. Acharya says that there’s one issue that is bothering him. He says Om doesn’t have a job yet so he doesn’t know how he would speak about Om’s marriage with Kirtan and his wife in this situation. Mala says that they already know thisnthing about Om and after knowing everything they have asker for this relationship. OM’s mother says that she thinks they need to talk to Jagdish and Gayatri once before takimg any decision since they run this house. Om says that he will talk to Jagdish but he doesn’t think it’s important at all to talk to Gayatri since she can’t digest his happiness.

Gayatri comes from behind and says that her mother in law is totally correct and she is very happy for OM’s marriage. She says if another woman comes ij this house she would take goodncare of this house and help in the household chores. She ssys she would herself go with them to see Shivani. On wonders why Gayatri looks so happy hearing this. He realises she must be making some plan to make a mess over there for sure. Gayatri thinks if making a big chaos over there. At night Om wonders how would he take care of her wife when he doesn’t earn anything. His friends suggest that he must go and talk to his brother so that he gives him money to give it to Munna Singh. He goes to Jagdish’s room and tries to talk to him. Gayatri sends Jagdish to the hall for some reason. After that she tells Om that he is going to enjoy the next day’s show at Shivani’s place.

Next morning Acharya and his family visit Shivani’s house. Seeing Kirtan and Acharya’s friendship and their grand house, Gayatri feels insecured. She tells her sister that whatever be their relation, she won’t let Om be a part of this house ever. Acharya tells the truth to Kirtan that Om doesn’t have ajob yet and is searching for one. Kirtan’s wife says they are aware of it and they just want Om and Shivani to be happy and want both of them to run their family business and don’t have any problem with it. Gayatri coughs and asks Shivani to take her to the washroom. She tries to brainwash Shivani and says that Om is immatured and he doesn’t even try to look for a job. She lies to Shivani about Om and says he is a spoiled brat. She even tells her that few days back he stayed at the lockup an entire night few days back. She tells Shivani that she must think twice before marrying Om. After Shivani comes back to the hall she agrees to marry Om shocking Gayatri.

Episode ends.

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