Ram Bhavan 16th March 2025 Written Update: Om gives Gayatri a check mate.

Ram Bhavan 16th March 2025 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

Episode starts with Shivani telling everyone that she is ready to marry Om knoeing his truth. She also ssys that she respects her honesty but he had already told all of this to her priorly. Shivani is of the opinion that Om’s honesty had won her heart the first day. The color or Gayatri’s face changes. Shivani says that her company is there so Om can join it for sure but he says that that company is hers and it wilk remain hers. She does have his CV so if she feels there’s any post available on the basis of his capability then he is ready to work with her for sure. This makes Acharya proud of Om. Kirtan and his wife say that it’s a yes for the marriage from their end. The first rasam of blessing and aarti of before Om and Shivani’s marriage takes place and they are given blessings by both the families. Gayatri is also asked to take oart in the ceremony.

Om waits outside with his bike blocking Gayatri’s way. She comes out and asks Om to move aside leaving ehr way. Om approacehs near her and starts dancing saying he had already assumed what game she might play today and acted accordingly. The disgust on Gayatri’s face dhows clearly but she remains silent. Later at home Om’s friends congrstulate him and says that after his marriage his job is secured so what a deal he had cracked. Om doesn’t like this comment and says it’s not like that at all. His friends keep on saying things like these so Acharya overhears their conversation. He comes inside and tells Om that if he agreed for the marriage with this thing in his head he will call his in laws and refuse for the marriage right now. Om bends on his knees and joining uis hands he says that the same blood as his father’s runs in his veins so he can’t even think of doing anythung like this. He assures his father that he wants to do a job on the basis of his capabilities and hard work but said yes to Shivani based on her nature and the kind of person she is. Acharya feels proud of him and blesses him.

After coming back to the hotel, Gayatri asks Isha and Prabha what they had been upto behind her back. She asks Isha if she is trying to be the GM of this hotel. They say that they had been waiting fro her only but since MD asked them for the presentation they had to give it. She takes all the credit of the new designs from the MD. After that she asks Isha to clean a suit room and make it ready for the MDs special guests. Isha says that the room service agents are on leave so it can’t be prepared now. Gayatri entrusts the task on her and asks her to leave the hotel if she can’t do this. She gives her a time of 30minutes only. Osha struggles to clean the extremely dirty room but keeps on working hurriedly.

Episode ends.

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