Ram Bhavan 1st March 2025 Written Update: Gayatri exposes the jewellery truth in the function.

Ram Bhavan 1st March 2025 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

Episode starts with Isha telling her mother that her jewellery is all fake. She sold her jewellery to help her father since her father is going through a financial crisis but she couldn’t bring back the jewellery but she couldn’t due to lack of money. Isha cries while saying all this to her mother. Sumitra hugs Isha and asks her to stop crying. She says her daughter was bearing all of it alone for so long but she didn’t even realise. Isha says she was doing all of this for her father and didn’t want them to be in stress so she didn’t tell anyone anything. Sumitra asks Isha to not worry and asks her to sit. She says no one will ever know that this jewellery is fake. Dhruv knocks at the door for some reason. As he comes inside Isha says she has something important to tell him. Although Sumitra asks her not to, Isha says they are going to get married so their relationship must not be based on falsity . She tells Dhruv about the jewellery. He asks Isha to chill since no one is going to check the ISI mark of the jewellery and she must not worry at all. He supports Isha and gives his word to Sumitra that he will gift the same jewellery to Isha after their marriage. Dhruv also thanks Isha for a clear communication.

Gayatri hears this conversation from outside and enjoys the loophole. She thinks of a plot to expose the truth of the jewellery in front of everyone. The sangeet function begins. Asking Isha to call down , Gayatri makes her drink a glass of water and in the first chance she gets she loosens her necklace from behind. Isha and Dhruv join the dance floor with their relatives when her loosened necklace falls off near the stage. Om reaches the wedding venue and while running he enters the hall. Before he reaches the core area of the wedding the police arrive there and say that he is under arrest. When asked, the police say that he misbehaved and even beat a respectable man. He realises this is done by Mr. Batra. Batra actually called Gayatri regarding Om’s behaviour when she suggested him to get Om arrested. Om requests the police to let him go inside just for two minutes or else someone’s marriage would be in trouble. He begs to let them go inside for just two minutes but the police take him away.

Gayatri goes near the stage and picks up the necklace. She goes straight to the diamond merchant friends of Maya and says that she found this necklace near the stage and this is of Isha’s. She asks them to hand it over to Isha and ask her to keep it safely since there’s so much rush in the event and anything might have happened if these were real. The guests ask Gayatri why she is talking about them like this. They say why would a person like Shubhash do something like this. Gayatri says that maybe she is mistaken but they are diamond merchants themselves so they would surely know the difference between real and fake jewellery. The man checks it and says it’s really a fake one. They call Maya and tell her that Isha’s jewellery is fake. Maya refuses to listen to what they are saying and asks them to stop this discussion here. Shubhash comes and asks what’s wrong. He is told that these jewellery are fake but he refuses to accept and calls the jeweller to check and tell them if it’s real or fake. The jeweller checks it and says it’s totally fake.

Episode ends.

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