Ram Bhavan 20th March 2025 Written Update on SerialGossip.in
Episode starts with Om following Isha and Shivani to check on them what Isha is upto. After Isha comes down the stairs, Gayatri says to her that she did a good job by telling Shivani the truth which will save her life. Isha says that she didn’t tell the truth to Shivani since when she was about to tell her the truth she heard Shivani speaking to her mother. She was praising Om and saying that she knows Om isn’t perfect but since the first day he has been true to her. This is their first date and she was about to pay the bill but Om suggested that he will split the bill with her and he also said that he wants the engagement and marriage functions to be as simple as possible. She says such a decent and honest man is rare to get in this trying times. She thinks Om is the best match for her and their relationship is going to be perfect. Her mother says they are happy if she is. Gayatri says she didn’t expeft much from Isha at all and asks her to cary on with her work. She gets annoyed hearing this. Later Om is told by Shivani that Isha was just warning her about a fraud florist in Prayagrag.
Later Om meets Isha and says that he knows she was about to mould Shivani against him but felt good knowing that she didn’t do something like that. He asks her how her opinion changed. Isha says her opinion didn’t change at all, rather she didn’t want to hurt Shivani keeping in mind her good opinion about Om. She doesn’t feel like breaking her heart and asks Om to not break Shivani’s heart if possible since she is a good person. Before Om could explain himself, Sunny arrives there and asks Om to stay away from her. Isha stops him and they leave together. While getting off from Sunny’s bike near Dilip’s house, Geeta sees Isha getting off Sunny’s bike and gets annoyed. She goes to Isha’s room and speaks to Sumitra in an insulting manner and raises fingers on Isha’s character. Sunny comes and says Isha is just her good friend and nothing else but Geeta keeps on saying things.
Om comes back home and tells his parents that the engagement would take place at Ram Bhavan itself and he will take care of all the arrangements. He gives the envelope of money gifted to him by his friends to his mother and asks her to keep it for the expenses. She gets scared and asks him how he got so much money from. Acharya asks Om if he is going to start a new beginning with the money earned in the wrong way. Om sits near his feet and says he would never give money to his parents by earning it the wrong way and that they can trust him. Jagdish comes and says hebis his younger brother and he will do whatever is possible from his end and says there’s Gayatri also so he will talk to her about this. Om says in a polite manner that it isn’t required and he will take all the responsibility since anyway they are burdened by Gayatri’s favours on them. After he leaves Acharya tells Jagdish that their Om is learning to take responsibilities now.
Episode ends.