Ram Bhavan 21st March 2025 Written Update: Gayatri manipulates Om.

Ram Bhavan 21st March 2025 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

Episode starts with Om stalking Shivani on social media overnight to find out if there’s something wrong about Shivani due to Gayatri’s brainwash the previous night. He keeps on searching on the internet and falls asleep sitting in the chair. Early morning he leaves the house to meet his friends urgently. He talks to his friends on this matter. They say they will keep and eye on Shivani and will find out all details of her past and present. Om asks them to do this very carefully and secretly so that Shivani doesn’t get to know anything about it. Gayatri appoints Mallika’s husband to do some work related to this. He is seen keeping an eye on Om and his friends secretly. Mallika praises Gayatri’s art of manipulation.

Next morning, Om’s friends visit his place and wake him up from sleep. They tell him that it’s time to getbready for his engagement since Shivani is totally clean and there’s absolutely no issue with her past or present. Isha visits Ram Bhavan to help for the engagement work as asked by Gayatri. Seeing her, Om’s mother becomes very happy. She waits for the flowers to arrive when Om enters two baskets of flowers. He somehow slips off and drops all the flowers on the ground that falls over them dramatically and almost a shower of flowers is seen over them. Seeing each other they ask what are they upto in this house. Nom tries to say that this is his house and it’s his engagement but as usual Isha keeps on saying things and asking him to hurry up and do his work properly thinking he is a flower vendor. Sometime later when OM’s mother calls him from behind and asks him to hurry up, Isha realises he is the younger son of this house. Later Isha and Om are seen decorating the house together. Isha is sent to the hotel to take care of an event by Sugandha Mishra an esteemed guest of the Lotus Hotel. She warmly welcomes Sugandha and wishes her luck for the launch. Sugandha waits for the press but nobody arrives. She gives Isha an ultimatum of 10mins to manage something or else she would destroy this hotel.

Suddenly Shivani is seen visiting the Ram Bhavan in a cranky mood. She is asked by Om’s mother if there’s any problem that she csme here before the muhurat. Shivani says that there’s a very big problem. Gayatri asks her mother in law to let Shivani say what she wants to. Shivani says that she has come here to break their marriage. Om asks what she is saying and asks if she is joking. She says he has made a joke of her intergrity. She doesn’t want to destroy her life by marrying Om. Gayatri smirks and thinks in her mind that here her plan worked with Om and there Isha has also been given a check mate. All are results of messing with Gayatri.

Episode ends.

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