Ram Bhavan 25th March 2025 Written Update: Miley’s life is in danger.

Ram Bhavan 25th March 2025 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

Episode starts with Sumitra and her family getting inside the house afer facing tge extreme embarassment by Geeta outside. Sumitra sits down on the ground and cries. She locks the door from inside and says that now no one will neither come inside or nor go outside so that they don’t have to face any further embarassment. Sumitra says things to Miley and tells her if Isha has to listen to anything else for her she won’t spare her. Miley falls down unconscious. Isha and others make her lie down and go to sleep. Sumitra says that it’s by God’s grace that Isha reached there on time or else God knows what would have happened to Miley. Isha says it’s Om who reached on time and saved Miley. She says to herself that she said very wrong things to him and shall apologise to him the next day for sure. Isha also calms down her mother and they all go to sleep.

Later at night when everyone sleeps, Miley wakes up and recalls Geeta’s words that if her duaghter would have done anything like this she would have given her daughter poison and had it herself. She goes to the kitchen and thinks she will end all this problem of her family and won’t let them face any more issues for her atleast. She thimks of ending her life and raises a knife to cut her veins but Isha comes feom behind and asks what she is doing here. She drops the knife and pretends to drink water. She apologises to Isha and says from today onwards they won’t have to face embarrasment for her. Isha says she is the world’s best sister and she must not think like this at all. Miley asks her to go off to sleep while she will join in a few minutes. Miley drinks poison and goes to sleep.

Next morning Miley keeps on sleeping so seeing her Isha asks her younger sister and mother to let Miley sleep since alot of things happened to her the previous night. No one realises that Miley had poison. Isha reaches the office thirty minutes late so she is taunted by Gayatri. Isha says there was an emergency at her house so she got late and apologises. Gayatri says her salary of half day shall be cut and she must nit move anywhere without completing the accounts work. Isha asks if she needs to visit Ram Bhavan for bringjng her tiffin thinking she would apologise to Om but Gayatri says there’s no need. Isha tries Om’s number but he doesn’t answer. Sunny comes to Miley’s room and apologises to her while Miley still lies like that. As he tries to talk to her, he realises Miley poisoned herself and freaks out. He takes her to the hospital and informing Isha asks her to visit the hospital. Isha feels sick hearing this and tries to leave immediately but Gayatri says if she leaves without completing her task she will be fired.

Episode ends.

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