Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 2 15th March 2022 Written Update: Surya tricks Gehna

Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 2 15th March 2022 Written Update on

Episode begins with Gehna asks Jamuna that why the latter seems tensed. Jamuna tells her that Praful went to bank and it’s been 3 hours still he didn’t return. She says that she could not contact him too. Surya brings the injured Praful. Gehna asks Praful that what happened to him. He reveals that someone tried to steal his money. But he is glad that Surya came there at end moment and protect money. She tells him that Surya must be behind this attack otherwise how Surya reached there. She says to Surya that first he ignored her and then made her feel jealous by flirting with a girl and now this. But his cheap tricks won’t work on her and asks him to leave.

Police inspector comes there and tells Praful to visit police station to give report about robbery attack. He thanks Surya for helping them to find that thief. Surya asks him to show his identity card because few thinks that everything is drama. Gehna sees the Police inspector’s identity card. Police leaves from there.

Praful apologizes to Surya on behalf of Gehna. Surya tells Gehna that he want to earn her love so he won’t do cheap tricks. He says that he ignored her because he didn’t want to hurt her but she can’t understand him. So he will stay away from her and leaves from there. After some time, Surya thanks Arjun for planning robbery attack on Praful.

Gehna gives medicines to Praful. He asks her that if she apologized to Surya. She tells him that Surya is not picking the call. He suggests her to call on the landline number. So she calls it. Dadi tells Gehna that Surya leaving for America. Suhani pleads Gehna to accept Surya to stop him.

Surya waits for Gehna in his room. Suhani tells him that she don’t think that Gehna will come so they has to change the plan. He tells her that Gehna has to come. Later, Sarika feels bad that Surya leaving. Surya tells her that he has to leave.

Gehna comes there and asks him that won’t he stay. He tells her that he don’t have any reason to stay. She tells him that he is breaking his promises. He tells her that he is leaving India but he won’t stop loving her. He says that she is crying because of him and he can’t see her sad. She tells him that he irritates her with his behaviour still she fell for him. She goes on her kneels and tells him that she loves him. He makes her stand and she hugs him. Jamuna blesses Gehna. Suhani hugs Gehna.

Next day, Praful and others looks after the decorations. Gehna gets shocked seeing lot of jewels. Jamuna asks her to choose whatever the latter wants. Gehna says that she is really lucky. Kanak agrees with her and says that that’s why mother in law spending this much money for her daughter in law’s marriage. They leaves to take Guruji’s blessings. Someone watches them.

Episode ends.

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