Shaitani Rasmein 1st February 2024 Written Update: Nikki sees Veronica’s demise

Shaitani Rasmein 1st February 2024 Written Update on

Episode begins with Vikram tells Sumitra that he hope Piyush executes her plan without any mistake. Bhavani singh tells them that Nikki is going towards Veronica’s room. Sumitra asks Aarohi that what is this. Aarohi tells Sumitra that Nikki is angry at Veronica. Sumitra says that Nikki is not the person who stays silent. Vikram says that they can’t let Nikki ruin human sacrifice.

On the other hand, Veronica thinks that tonight is special day for her. Rachna compliments her. Veronica thinks that her body is her weapon. Nikki learns that Piyush and Veronica are meeting in old palace. She leaves from there. Rachna takes Veronica to Piyush and leaves from there. Sumitra tells Vikram that Nikki is going towards old palace. She says that Kapalika will kill Piyush if Nikki stopped Veronica’s human sacrifice then. Vikram orders Bhavani singh to stop Nikki at any cost.

Veronica hugs Piyush and tells him that she knew he will understand her love. She says that she is so happy today. Kapalika laughs and says that just few minutes left for human sacrifice. Nikki asks Rachna about Veronica. Rachna tells Nikki that Veronica wanted to see old palace so Veronica is inside the palace. Nikki asks Rachna that where is Piyush. Rachna lies to Nikki that she don’t know. Nikki takes Rachna inside the palace. Rachna thinks that she is stuck.

Veronica tells Piyush that it was love at first sight for her. She asks him that why he ignored her in Goa and why he failed to see her love. Piyush tells her that they are destined to unite like this. Kapalika says that it’s time for human sacrifice. Veronica tells Piyush that she know he will leave Nikki and marry her. Nikki comes there. She asks Veronica and Piyush that what are they doing there. She tells Veronica that she could not believe that the latter deceived her. She asks Piyush that how can he do this with her. She tells him that he used her trust. Veronica tells Nikki to shut up. She says that Piyush wants to leave Nikki. Piyush stays silent. Nikki asks him to say something. She says that Veronica is right. She recalls that how Piyush proposed her and how she married Piyush. She cries and moves from there.

Kapalika enters Veronica’s body. She asks Nikki that what’s the hurry to leave. She says that Nikki should witness the ritual. She tells Nikki that the latter can’t escape after leaving Mohar ritual. She reveals that Veronica’s human sacrifice will happen because of Nikki’s mistake. She appreciates Piyush for bringing Veronica there. She burns Veronica. Nikki gets shocked seeing all this. She faints. Later, Nikki wakes up and gets shocked seeing Veronica.

Episode ends.

Precap – Nikki tells Piyush’s family members that they are murderers. She decides to give police complain against them. Kapalika says that just 2 hours left to complete Mohar ritual.

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