Shaitani Rasmein 24th May 2024 Written Update: Nikki defeats Betal

Shaitani Rasmein 24th May 2024 Written Update on

The episode begins with Betal pushes Nikki into the well. Nikki loses her consciousness. He laughs. On the other hand, Vikram enters Nikki’s room and gets shocked seeing pillows covered with clothe. He calls Piyush. Everyone comes there. Vikram asks Piyush that where is Nikki’s dead body. Piyush tells Vikram that he already said Nikki is daayan so she can escape. He says that Nikki would have went to Malik. He shows the poisonous snake to them and he also talks about ice knife.

He thinks that Saudamini must be behind poisonous snake and Vikram has connection with ice knife. He adds that more than one person want to kill Nikki for sure. Vikram asks Piyush that what the latter is saying. Piyush tells him that Nikki will return for her revenge. Saudamini thinks that Nikki is dead. She wonders how Malik will react after learning about Nikki’s death news. She says that now no one can stop her from becoming queen of Bhurangarh. She turns around and screams.

In the forest, Betal calls Nikki. Nikki regains her consciousness. She tells Betal to run because she is coming. She tries to escape from the well by climbing but fails. Betal laughs seeing this. He asks her that why she came there. She tells him that she want his kankal. He gets shocked hearing this. He asks her that how she will react if he asked her to give her kankal to him then. He says that he was Janjaal before becoming Betal. He reveals that his family betrayed him. He screams.

Vikram tells Pratik that Piyush suspect him. Pratik asks Vikram to let Piyush think whatever he wants to think. He says that they tried to kill daayan, not Nikki. Piyush comes there and says that one attacker got punishment. He shows the video of Saudamini to Vikram. He reveals that Saudamini kept poisonous snake in Nikki’s room so he tied Saudamini to punish her. He says that he know his family tried to kill Nikki. He adds that he forgave them this time, but not next time. He hope Nikki is fine in the forest and leaves from there.

Betal tells Nikki that he killed his family after becoming Betal. He asks her that whether she can kill her loved ones to save herself. Nikki gets shocked hearing. She realises that she is in the palace now. She wonders how she reached there. Vikram strangulates her. Sumitra tries to kill Nikki. She asks them that what happened to them. She calls Piyush and asks him to save her. Piyush strangulates Nikki. Nikki thinks that this not her Piyush. She tells Betal that she know this is not truth.

Betal laughs and says that game is over. Nikki finds whip. She ties Betal using it. She asks him to take her to his kankal. He accepts his defeat and agrees to take her to his kankal.

Episode ends.

Precap – Betal takes Nikki to cave. Nikki gets shocked seeing many snakes.

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