Shaitani Rasmein 28th May 2024 Written Update: Nikki slaps Pratik

Shaitani Rasmein 28th May 2024 Written Update on

Episode begins with Betal takes Nikki inside and shows ashes to her. They moves towards the ashes. Headless theives comes there and tries to attack Nikki. Betal escapes and goes upstairs. He asks Nikki to protect herself from headless theives. He says that headless theives aren’t able to see Nikki and they are trying to attack Nikki by hearing noises. Nikki gets injured. Betal gets worried.

On the other hand, Sumitra finds the right tree and collects ingredient for ritual. She sees scorpions coming towards her. She gets biten by one of the scorpion. Santhali mai comes there and saves Sumitra from scorpions. She gives antidote to Sumitra. Sumitra drinks it. She says that it’s not paining now. Santhali mai says that she was doing tap and she saw Sumitra is in danger. Slave comes there. Santhali mai tells Sumitra to go to palace as soon as possible. Sumitra tells thanks to Santhali mai and leaves from there.

In the old palace, Malik calls his slave. He tells his slave that today is special day for him and he don’t want anything wrong to happen. He orders his slave to keep an eye on palace and Bhurangarh.

Nikki asks headless theives to listen her. She tells them that she won’t hurt them. Headless theives heads talks to each other. Sardar decides to talk to Nikki.

Saudamini tells Piyush that Nikki is pretending to be Daayan. Piyush tells Saudamini that he will send Nikki there and the latter can confirm the doubt by talking to Nikki. He leaves from there. She says that she won’t let Gehlots succeed in their plan. She adds that she will tell Gehlots plan to Malik. She tries to escape from there but Betal flops her plan.

Sardar tells Nikki that she won’t get whatever she came to get there. He says that they are 7 people and Nikki can’t defeat them. He asks her to attack their heads with their bodies. Betal asks Nikki to not do that. Nikki takes Sardar head and she asks him that which one is his body. Sardar shows his body to her. She attaches his head with his body. Sardar laughs and says that he will teach a lesson to Nikki for coming there to steal. She fights with him and behead his head. He tells her that he understood she is not normal person. He requests her to attack his head with his body and says he won’t betray her again. She attaches everyone’s head with their bodies. They kneel in front of Nikki. Sardar tells Nikki to take ashes with her.

Vikram tells Pratik that Sumitra is not in the palace since yesterday night. Sumitra enters the palace. Vikram understands everything and he asks Sumitra that whether she is supporting Nikki. Nikki comes there and tells him that Sumitra is supporting her. He asks her that whether she is not Daayan. Malik’s slave hears everything. Nikki sees Malik’s slave. She tells Gehlots that she want their help to do the ritual. She says that she want to make everything perfect for Malik. Pratik tries to interfere. Nikki slaps Pratik and warns him to not interfere. Malik’s slave leaves from there. Nikki apologizes to Pratik. She asks Vikram that whether he will support her to defeat Malik.

Malik’s slave tells Malik that everything is fine. He says that Nikki brought ingredients for the ritual. Malik wonders why he is feeling restless.

Vikram lashes out at Nikki. He tells Sumitra that he did not expected this from her. Nikki tells Vikram that she did everything to defeat Malik. Vikram says that Nikki underestimated Malik. Nikki says that Gehlots should prove they are not Malik’s slave. Vikram and Pratik goes inside. Betal tells Nikki that they don’t have time.

Episode ends.

Precap – Nikki revives Betal’s kankal. Malik’s slave learns about betrayal and he gets attacked. Nikki begins Kill Malik mission.

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