Shaitani Rasmein 2nd February 2024 Written Update: Nikki lashes out at Piyush

Shaitani Rasmein 2nd February 2024 Written Update on

Episode begins with Nikki wakes up because of nightmare. She tells Piyush that Veronica tried to kill her. Piyush tells her that she dreamt about it. She asks him that whether she dreamt about Veronica’s death too. She says that she want to meet Veronica too. He tells her that Veronica is no more. She gets shocked hearing him. She recalls that what happened in an old palace.

Sumitra tells Vikram that they were lucky that Veronica’s human sacrifice happened. Vikram tells her that Nikki witnessed that so he don’t know how Nikki will react. Kapalika reminds Vikram that Mohar ritual did not happen yet. She says that Mohar ritual should happen within two hours else another human sacrifice will happen.

Nikki asks Piyush that why his family is doing black magic. She says that Veronica did not had control on her body. She asks who is Malik. Piyush remains silent. She tells him that she will tell everything to police. He tells her that she can’t do that. He pushes her on the bed. She tells him that he can’t stop her. He tells her that outsiders can’t get involve in Bhurangarh and Malik’s matters. She tells him that God is above everyone and she has full faith on God.

Rachna comes there and tells Nikki that Vikram called the latter. Nikki thinks that she can go outside through hall. She goes downstairs. Piyush asks Nikki to not do anything wrong. Vikram tells Sumitra to help Nikki to get ready. Nikki says that she don’t care about their rituals. She tells them that they killed Veronica yesterday. She says that Piyush is slave like his family to evil traditions. She tells Piyush that she failed to see the real face of him. She asks him that how can he manipulate Veronica to kill Veronica.

Sumitra reminds Nikki that Veronica tried to snatch Piyush from the latter. Nikki says that she know that. She tells Sumitra that she did not except they will stoop that low. She tells them that they are murderers. Vikram warns Nikki to not cross her limits. Sumitra tells Nikki that the latter is responsible for Veronica’s death. Nikki asks who is Malik and asks them to take her to Malik. She says that she will give complain in the police station and she will make sure Malik rot in jail. She moves towards the door. Bhavani singh drags Nikki to Suguna on Vikram’s behest. Nikki takes the knife and threatens to attack them.

Meanwhile, Malik tells Kapalika that he want Nikki’s blood. Kapalika decides to punish Nikki.

Nikki says that she will expose Piyush’s family and Malik in front of media. Suguna asks Nikki to stop it. Nikki attacks Suguna. Everyone gets shocked seeing this. Kapalika comes there. She decides to punish everyone.

Episode ends.

Precap – Vikram tells Nikki that she is curse to his family. Aarohi gets possessed.

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