Shaitani Rasmein 7th February 2024 Written Update: Nikki kills Goriraj

Shaitani Rasmein 7th February 2024 Written Update on

Episode begins with Goriraj strangulates Nikki. He tells her that he is not easy target and he is still alive. He says that he can kill Nikki if he want then. She spills blood and Goriraj gets burned. He says that now he understood why Malik wants Goriraj. He gets vanished. She runs from there. She hears Piyush’s voice. She thinks that she would have hallucinated Piyush’s voice and runs from there. She runs from there.

Kapalika wonders why Goriraj left Nikki easily. She warns Piyush to not make mistake and leaves him. She finds skullcap which is filled with Nikki’s blood. She searches Goriraj and learns that Nikki burnt Goriraj alive. She understands that Nikki is not normal girl. She goes to Malik and tells him that she brought Nikki’s blood. Malik drinks Nikki’s blood.

Nikki sees symbol on her hand. She says that she wrote Piyush’s name but it changed into Malik’s name and now symbol. She sees Gayatri. Gayatri tells Nikki that she is Aarohi’s mother and she want to tell Bhurangarh’s truth to the latter. Nikki asks Gayatri that whether the latter know Malik. Gayatri says that Malik is shaitan and Vikram’s family worships Malik. She reveals that Vikram’s family sold their soul to Malik many years back. She informs her that Malik is depended on Suhagan of Vikram’s family.

Nikki asks Gayatri that why the latter let Aarohi marry Pratik. Gayatri tells Nikki that Vikram’s family is expect in tricking others. She says that she could not contact Aarohi after marriage so she visited Bhurangarh without informing anyone and she saw Aarohi performing shaitani rituals. She adds that she opposed Vikram’s family but they throw her out of Bhurangarh. Nikki gets shocked hearing this.

Gayatri reveals that she brought police to Bhurangarh but Aarohi lied that she is happy in Bhurangarh. She recalls that how Aarohi slapped her when she talked about Malik. She tells Nikki that she don’t know how Vikram’s family brainwashed Aarohi. She says that she believes Nikki will fight against shaitani rituals. Sumitra comes there and warns Gayatri to stay away from Bhurangarh. Gayatri says that she won’t stay silent until she saves Aarohi. Bhavani singh takes Gayatri from there on Sumitra’s behest. Sumitra asks Nikki that what Gayatri said. Nikki faints. Sumitra notices symbol on Nikki’s hand.

Malik tells Kapalika that he got strength. He says that he believes Nikki will complete all the rituals. He adds that Nikki has to perform ritual in every amavasya. He reveals that he will marry Nikki after she completes all the rituals and he will become immortal. He tells Kapalika that Nikki deserves gift. Kapalika nods at him and leaves from there. She gets angry that Malik want to marry Nikki. She says that only she has rights to marry Malik. She decides to kill Nikki once the latter completes all the rituals.

Episode ends.

Precap – Nikki decides to meet Malik.

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