Shaitani Rasmein Upcoming Story: Nikki to meet Malik to give shaitani bhog!

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In the Star Bharat show Shaitani Rasmein, Malik will punish the public of Bhurangarh for delaying his shaitani bhog. Nikki will tell Vikram that she will give shaitani bhog to Malik. What will be Vikram’s decision? To learn more check out below.

In the current track, Nikki apologizes to Rakshaudi. She says that she just want bone for Malik. Rakshaudi warns Nikki to not take Malik’s name in front of her. Saudamini hides Rachna from Pratik.

Kapalika informs Malik that Nikki went to cave to get bone from Rakshaudi. Malik scolds her for not helping Nikki. He orders her to save Nikki from Rakshaudi. She goes to cave and sees Rakshaudi caught Nikki. She decides to tell Malik that Rakshaudi killed Nikki before she reaches the cave and leaves from there.

Piyush comes there to save Nikki. Rakshaudi catches him too. Nikki and Piyush gets ready to die for each other. Rakshaudi realises that Nikki is kind girl and she leaves both alive. She gives bone to Nikki as gift. Nikki reaches the palace with bone. Kapalika gets shocked seeing this.

In the upcoming episode, Malik will tell Kapalika that he is hungry and where is his shaitani bhog. Kapalika will tell him that even bhog time is over. He will say that they deserves punishment for delaying his shaitani bhog and he will punish the public of Bhurangarh.

Public will complain about their condition to Vikram. Vikram will say that all this happening because they did not give shaitani bhog to Malik yet. Nikki will tell him that she will give shaitani bhog to Malik.

Will Vikram allow Nikki go to Malik?

Will Pratik find Rachna?

All these questions will be answered in the upcoming episodes.

To know what will happen next in your favorite show Shaitani Rasmein, stay tuned to this space. 

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