Shaitani Rasmein Upcoming Story: Saudamini to wake Chaya up!

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In the Star Bharat show Shaitani Rasmein, Saudamini will woke Chaya up and she will tell Chaya that Gehlots are up to something. Will Chaya find out Gehlots plan? To learn more check out below.

In the current episode, Sumitra informs Nikki that Dadaji and Dadisa are dead. She takes Nikki and Aarohi to Dadaji’s room. Saudamini sees them and wonders where are they going. Dadaji and Dadisa scolds Nikki for coming late. Sumitra defends Nikki.

Nikki requests Dadaji and Dadisa to help her to learn about good daayan because she has to defeat Chaya and Malik. Dadisa tells Nikki that the dead daughter in laws of Gehlots stays in Bahu ki bari because they don’t get mukti. She takes them to Bahu ki bari.

Nikki notices Piyush’s first wife Anjali there. First daughter in law of Gehlots says that Nikki is their savior and Nikki came to give mukti to them. Nikki tells them that they misunderstood her and she came to ask their help. Saudamini enters Dadaji’s room. Dadaji scares Saudamini. Piyush asks God to protect Nikki because he know she won’t back off.

In the upcoming episode, Sumitra will say that they don’t have time. Other side, Saudamini will tell Chaya that she woke the latter up. She will say that something is fishy in the palace. Chaya will ask where is Nikki. Nikki will tell daughter in law of Gehlots that Chaya is calling her.

Will Nikki get caught?

How Saudamini woke Chaya up?

All these questions will be answered in the upcoming episodes.

To know what will happen next in your favorite show Shaitani Rasmein, stay tuned to this space.

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