Sherdil Shergill Upcoming Story: Mr Yadav’s plan to create problems between Raj Kumar and Manmeet fails

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Colors TV show Sherdil Shergill is now showing how Raj’s family is still insistent on separating him from Manmeet however Raj Kumar uses his presence of mind & keeps failing all their plans.

In The previous episode Raj told Manmeet he is planning a surprise and requested her to come home on time. Manmeet finished her work soon and was about to leave when Hussain stopped her. He told her that she has to attend an important meeting with some clients sent by Mr Yadav. Manmeet called Raj and informed him about the urgent meeting.

Hussain got a call from Raj Kumar. Later after finalising the deal when Manmeet was rushing back, she found Raj Kumar in her cabin with cake and decorations. He said because she couldn’t reach home so he came there.

Murari told Mr Yadav that Mishraji told him Manmeet was at office till 2 am. Priyanka got happy and excited that now Raj Kumar and Manmeet will have dispute because Manmeet didn’t reach home in time.

Raj told Manmeet that Mr Yadav had intentionally sent clients so that she got late after knowing about their one month anniversary.

Murari and Mr Yadav come to meet Raj Kumar and Manmeet with flower bouquet. Raj and Manmeet were hugging each other but intentionally shouted aloud and made Mr Yadav believe they were arguing.

To know what’s happening next stay tuned to this space

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