Titli 17th August 2023 Written Update: Drishti taunts Titlie

Titli 17th August 2023 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

The episode starts with Garv pouring water on a sleeping Titlie also accuses her. Few minutes before, Drishti stops Titlie and asks her to focus on going back to her maternal house as she failed to prove her innocence also she has only two days left. Titlie confidently states that she will prove her innocence then leaves.

Meanwhile, Garv get shocked seeing Titlie’s photo which Ankit send him. There, Ishani deletes the message which Ankit send to Garv and says they can’t ruin an innocent Titlie’s life to bring Garv’s truth out. Ankit gets upset. Here, Garv wonders who sent the photo of Titlie to him then deletes it. Titlie brings spray but Drishti insists to take care of Garv which saddens Titlie. Everyone then goes to complete Jagran.

Later, the guests praises Titlie then leaves the place. Koyal suggests to perform a puja. Manikant does the aarti. Maina ignores Titlie which hurts the latter but she prays God to help her prove her innocence. Monica’s mother in law and her husband Adi gives gifts to Monica. Maina thanks Monica’s mother in law for forgetting their differences. Monica’s mother in law praises Titlie. Monica, Dhara asks Garv about the gift he is going to give to Titlie. Titlie manages the situation saying they all performed the puja it’s the best gift for her. But Monica and Dhara persuades Garv about Titlie’s gift.

Garv gifts a diamond necklace to Titlie. Manikant gets angry but Maina pleads with him not to create a scene in front of Monica’s in law’s. Monica and Dhara insists Garv to make Titlie wear the necklace. Garv thinks himself that it’s not Adi but he is the best husband. Meanwhile, Titlie wonders the reason behind Garv giving her a gift though he is upset with her. Both Garv and Titlie poses for photos.

Chintu receives a message of Garv and Titlie’s photo which he shows it to Jayshree and asks the latter not to worry also have faith in Titlie’s confidence who will definitely prove her innocence. Jayshree prays to God for Titlie which Hiral notices and hope’s the situation which Titlie is in turn more complicated. There, Manikant forwards his hand to fill Maina’s hairline with vermilion just then Koyal arrives there. Alpa uses the situation and makes Koyal lose her balance. Koyal stumbles and Manikant fills her hairline with vermilion which shocks everyone. Maina and Manikant lashes out at Koyal for always ruining everything. Koyal tries to defend herself but fails.

Manikant insults Koyal which angers Garv so he gets into an argument with the former. Titlie tries to calm down Garv. Maina scolds Titlie and asks her stay away from their family matter as she is a guest only. Titlie reminds her the time she has left to prove her innocence which infuriates Manikant so he insults Titlie too. Koyal pleads with everyone to stop arguing then apologises to Maina. Titlie falla unconscious which worries Garv.

The doctor checks up Titlie and informs the family members the latter has to have medicine as she is weak but Koyal tells Titlie can’t break the fast as it’s for Garv’s long life. Monica refuses to let Titlie complete her fast saying the latter’s health is more important and gives her the medicine. Titlie takes it in her hand. Garv misunderstands that Titlie broke the fast and gets furious. The family members leaves.

Monica tries to make her family members understand the importance of Titlie’s health but they all expresses their disappointment towards Titlie for breaking the fast. Koyal prays for Garv’s well being. Monica advises Garv to sort out the difference between him and Titlie. Garv pours water on a sleeping Titlie and lashes out at her for breaking the fast. Titlie shows the tablet and clarifies she didn’t break her fast. The episode ends with a deeply hurt Titlie questioning Garv why she has to prove her innocence every time.

Precap: Garv apologises to Titlie for his lack of faith in her and asks her to tell him what he has to do to rectify his mistake. Titlie expresses her wish to rejoin her job shocking Garv.

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