Udaariyan Upcoming Story: Aasman meets Raja’s doctor!

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In the latest episode Rano forgives Sukhi for what he did even though Armaan is annoyed with him and asks him to stay away from his mother. Rano says that whatever has been done can’t be changed and now but they need to think about RV now or else they would lose him.

Sukhi says that they all know the truth about Raja that he will never be completely cured so why should they destroy Alia’s life for it. Alia is too young now and her entire life is left in front of him so they don’t have the right to ruin her life. He says they must get RV and Alia married. Rano,

Hobby and Neetu all agree to this and say that at first even they felt bad for Raja but they can’t deny the fact.Arman asks how come they are all thinking about RV and not Raja.

Next morning they all join the panchayat session where Balvinder tells the heads of Panchayat about Sukhi and his illegal son. They all get angry at him. Balvonder keeps on saying things about Sukhi and his family. Armaan gets annoyed and engages in a fight with him. He is stopped by his family.Sukhi accepts his mistake and also accepts RV as his son from today and requests them to give permission for RV and Alia’s marriage.

The Panchayat Heads agree to this and forgive him. Raja overhears all this and feels bad. He tells Aasman that since he loves Raja he would let her go and be happy. Although heartbroken, he pretends to be happy for Alia’s marriage in front of the family.

Why did Alia give wrong medicines to Raja? Was she faking all this while? Will Aasman be able to help Raja recover fully?

To know the answers to these questions keep watching Udaariyan.

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