Vanshaj 29th June 2024 Written Update: Apa bribes the Jailor

Vanshaj 29th June 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with the jailor informs Rani that she is going back to the hospital. The warden isn’t attending the call. She don’t trust Yuvika at all. Rose says to Yuvika that she likes to help her. She can’t support Multani anymore. Rani informs Yuvika that the jailor reached to the hospital. Yuvika asks Rose to drop her in the hospital asap. Meanwhile, Boomi calls Isha and complaints to her that no one is attending her call. She worries about them. Isha assures her that she is alright. Apa calls Isha and informs her that Jailor is coming to do the inspection. She asks her to escape from there. She hides seeing the jailor. The Jailor reaches there. Power is out there. The jailor asks the constable to check what’s going on there. She says that someone intentionally cut the power supply. The jailor says that she thinks that Yuvika is behind it all. Yuvika arrived to the hospital. Arjun informs Isha that Yuvika may be reached there. The jailor scolds the warden for sleeping instead of giving a security to her. She threatens to fire her if Yuvika escaped from the room. The danger button plays there. Yuvika sneaks inside the room. The jailor catch her red-handed. She says that she is playing a game with her. She will teach a lesson to her.

DJ is worrying about his business deal. Koyal thinks that she can’t inform him that mom didn’t meet the minister. She asks him to take a meditation. Mom will handle everything. Srishti comes there. He asks her about the meeting. She tells him that the minister is busy. She will meet him asap. She can handle it. She thinks that the minister isn’t attending her call at all. DJ leaves from there. Srishti hears that ED are going to search in her house. Meanwhile, the jailor is torturing Yuvika inside the jail. She demands her to say, where did went? Yuvika says that she won’t inform her about it. If it’s necessary then she will go out of the jail again.
The jailor says that she wants to see who will save her? Apa comes there and says that she is here to save her. The jailor says that she is a criminal here. She can’t go against a government official. Apa says that Yuvika isn’t a criminal. She is innocent. The jailor says that once she came here then she is a criminal. Apa says that she is doing it all for DJ. She offers money to her. She says that she can offer more money to her then DJ. She can take the decision now. She shouldn’t stop Yuvika at all.

Srishti’s house is surrounded by the ED. They are searching in her house. They questioned her about the illegal money and jewels. She said to him that it’s not illegal money. She collected this money for her daughter’s wedding. Its a dowry for her. Koyel asks them to leave her mom. She tried to call DJ. She apologized to Koyel. She says that she planned to arrange her wedding grandly. But she couldn’t do it. Srishti pleads with them to leave. ED arrested her. They takes her from there. Meanwhile, DJ watched the news. Multani advises to him that it’s better to stay away from Koyel. His reputation will be aftect. Gargi says that Koyel and media are calling her. They are planning to cut all the ties with Koyel. Rose hears it all. Apa shows the news to Yuvika. The jailor says that she will be quite for sometimes only. DJ calls her to learn about Yuvika. She says to him that Yuvika is in the jail. Later, Koyel requests DJ to save her mom. DJ cuts all his ties with her. She said that he is selfish. Her mom would have risked her life to save him. Later, Yuvika says to Apa that she needs money for her next task.

Episode end

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