Vanshaj Upcoming Story: Boomi to choose Yukti over fake Yuvika

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In the latest episode saw; DJ killed Nikhil in front of Miraya. Gargi celebrated her victory with DJ. Yuvika smells something fishy. Yuvika expressed her gratitude to Multani. He feels guilty. Yuvika worried about Neel. Gargi given the property papers to Boomi. Yuvika is excited and thanked Mulatani for his help. Nikhil’s car is blasted.

Later, Yuvika’s look-alike come there. Yuvika is shocked to see her there. Gargi says to Boomi that Yuvika is back. She forgave her mistakes. She asks Boomi to hug her. Boomi says that she isn’t her daughter. If she is her daughter then she would have felt her presence when she came here. Yuvika gets emotional seeing it.

In the upcoming episode viewers will see; Boomi will refuse to accept Fake Yuvika. Gargi asks her if she isn’t Yuvika then where is she? Boomi introduce Yukti as her real daughter. DJ thinks that he waited for this moment.

What is DJ’s intention? Would she expose Yukti Multani’s truth?

To know the answers to these questions keep watching Vanshaj

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