Vanshaj Upcoming Story: Gargi’s shocking announcement

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In the latest episode saw; Boomi refuses to accept Fake Yuvika. Gargi asks her if she isn’t Yuvika then where is she? Boomi introduce Yukti as her real daughter. DJ thinks that he waited for this moment. Fake Yuvika confessed to the police that Gargi and Danraj are innocent. She burnt the property papers.

Boomi refuses to accept Fake Yuvika. Gargi asks her if she has any proof for it. Boomi says that Yukti is her daughter. Yukti refuses to accept it. She pretends like apologizing to Isha and Arjun. Boomi demands fake Yuvika to stay away from her. Fake Yuvika celebrates with DJ.

In the upcoming episode viewers will see; Gargi will inform everyone that she is very happy. Her son DJ gained his consciousness. Boomi and Yuvika are shocked to hear it. Fake Yuvika shows her concern on DJ.

What is DJ’s intention? Would she expose Yukti Multani’s truth?

To know the answers to these questions keep watching Vanshaj

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