Vasudha 11th March 2025 Written Update: Devansh and Avinash save Hanumant

Vasudha 11th March 2025 Written Update on

The episode begins with Vasudha telling Hanumant that he did nothing wrong and everything is her fate. She asks him to not blame himself for anything and open the door. Hanumant tells Janaki that it’s time for him to come to her. He apologizes to her for failing as a father. Vasudha wonders what Hanumant is doing.

Meanwhile, Prabhat asks Chandrika to not worry because Devansh started searching for Madhav, so they will get all the answers soon. Vasudha comes there and tells them Hanumant locked himself in the house. Everyone goes to the outhouse. Hanumant pours kerosene on himself. Everyone gets shocked seeing this. Devansh and Vasudha tell Hanumant to stop it. Mayur asks Hanumant to think about the latter’s children at least. Chandrika tells Hanumant to become a coward. Prabhat tells Hanumant that they will pass this phase.

Devansh tells Avinash that they should break the door. They try to break the door. Hanumant takes the matchbox and recalls Madhav and Sarika’s words. Devansh and Avinash break the door and save Hanumant. Vasudha hugs Hanumant and asks him how he can even think to leave her. She blames herself for everything. She says she should die and takes the knife.

Chandrika snatches the knife from Vasudha and throws it away. She asks them, What is all this? She tells Hanumant that she understands his pain, but he did wrong. She says they should support each other in this situation. She tells Vasudha not t disappoint her. She warns Hanumant not to try to do like this again. Chauhans leaves from there.

The next day, Vasudha thinks everyone is suffering because of her. Savitri comes there with breakfast. She tells Hanumant to get ready for work and gives breakfast to him. She leaves from there. Vasudha notices Savitri ignored her. She tells Hanumant that the latter is her father and mother. She says she is nothing without Hanumant. She asks him to get ready for work. She tells him that she will solve this problem. She recalls her conversation with Savitri.

A few minutes back, Vasudha asked why Savitri is not talking to her. Savitri asks why she should talk to Vasudha when the latter doesn’t care about anyone. She says Vasudha cares about her mangalsutra only. She tells Vasudha that the latter is playing with everyone’s life. Vasudha asks Savitri to not say like that. Savitri says Vasudha cares about her fake marriage only. She asks whether this fake marriage is more important for Vasudha than Hanumant. She tells Vasudha to tell the truth to Chandrika if the latter has guts then. Vasudha cries. Savitri tells Vasudha to come out of Dreamland.

On the other hand, Avinash tells Devansh that Vasudha is hiding something from them. Devansh says Vasudha must have some reason to do that if she is hiding anything then. He tells Avinash to go to the site with Divya. Meanwhile, Chandrika tells Prabhat that she did not expect this from Hanumant, Vasudha, and Madhav. Prabhat tells Chandrika that no one broke her trust.

Vasudha tells Hanumant that she is going to the temple to apologize to God. She says she will pray for a good life.

Episode ends.

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