Woh Toh Hai Albelaa 4th November 2022 Written Update On SerialGossip.in
The episode starts with Kusum searching for Rishi n room and Rishi scares Kusum. He asks what she was saying Syuri. Kusum lies that she was speaking about Sayuri’s child as she was worried about the child. she says that Sayuri requested her to spin sweater for her baby as she had to go abroad later. Rishi threatens to kill the baby as her brothers keep interfering in his business. Kusum gets scared and Rishi leaves. She thinks that her brothers would show his place the next day.
Sayuri is looking at sleeping Kanha and decides to say all the truth to himthe next day. Next morning, Rishi gets a call from Parveen Bhai and gets scared. He meets with Parveen Bhai who threatens him to give his money back. Rishi claims that he has got married in a rich family and soon he would get the money to return them. He pleads him for some more time and sees Saroj. He sends away Parveen Bhai and pretends like he’s on call. Saroj asks him to get in to have food after Bhai dhooj rasam.
Dadi asks Saroj to send Kusum back home soon as the trio Nakul, Kanha and Sayuri leaves no chance to insult Rishi and it’s not good. Sayuri hears it all and decides to say the truth to Kanha soon as they can’t let Kusum go with Rishi.
Kusum is getting ready when Rishi comes there and taunts her for getting very pretty for bhai dhooj over her own wedding. He says that her brothers wanted to kill him in the next chance and she wants to pray for their long loves. He says that the time has changed and now daughters have equal share in properties. He asks her to make sure to get what is hers even if it meant begging in front of others. Kusum agrees and once he eaves she says that he would beg for her brothers and soon her brothers would teach him a lesson.
Sayuri brings Kanha to boxing room and Kanha predicts that it’s something very important and that it’s related to Rishi. Sayuri accepts and says that she got the confirmation that they were waiting for so long. She says Kusum confessed all the truth to her and narrates whatever happened. Kanha gets furious hearing it and angrily punches the punching bag. He says that he won’t leave Rishi for all that happened. Nakul who also comes there agrees to protect their sister who tolerated so much for them. They decide to fulfil their responsibilities in bhai dhooj.
Precap: Rishi will get intoxicated and will create a scene. Kanha will make Saroj promise on him that if she interferes now then he would die. Saroj will back off when kanha will beat up rishi to say the truth. Rishi will agree to say the truth.
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