Yeh Hai Chahatein 15th May 2024 Written Update: Aditya’s plan flops

Yeh Hai Chahatein 15th May 2024 Written Update on

The episode begins with Arjun enters his house. Karun gives congratulations card to Arjun. Everyone wishes Arjun. Arjun tears congratulations card. He says that everything is fake. Isha takes Karun inside. Jagadish realises that Arjun is drunk. Arjun ruins the decorations and cake. Jagadish slaps Arjun to bring the latter to sense. He asks Arjun that what happened. Arjun reveals that he failed in his exam. He says that he could not become civil service officer. He adds that he could not fulfill Jagadish’s dream and cries. Jagadish tells Arjun that everything will be fine. Everyone tries to console Arjun. Shanti thinks that Aditya would be happy if she recorded this drama and sent it to Aditya then.

On the other hand, Mahima waits for Vishal in the restaurant. She calls Vishal but no response from other side. She wonders what happened and leaves from there. Meanwhile, Kaashvi tells herself that Arjun was right. She reaches Bajwa house. Arjun gets angry seeing her there. He asks her that whether she came to tell him he is failure. She tells him that she want to talk to him. He tells her that he did not forget what she said in the morning. He informs Jagadish that Kaashvi said he don’t deserve to become civil service officer. He tells Kaashvi that she failed him to prove her point. Monty takes Arjun inside on Jagadish’s behest.

Jagadish asks Kaashvi that why she did this. Kaashvi tells him that she did nothing. She shows Arjun’s answer sheet to him and says that it’s not Arjun’s handwriting. She adds that she will talk to Ronak about Arjun’s re exam.

Mahima reaches Vishal’s house in anger. Servant opens the house. She barges into the house and gets shocked seeing Vishal getting engaged to someone else. She thinks that she won’t leave Vishal. She is about to go to Vishal but Vishal’s mother drags Mahima from there. Vishal’s mother reveals that she know everything. She says that she won’t let Vishal marry a divorcee. She informs Mahima that Vishal is getting engaged to minister’s daughter. She warns Mahima to leave from there. Security guards throws Mahima out of the house on Vishal’s mother behest.

Next day, Kaashvi pours water on Arjun. Arjun scolds Kaashvi. She informs him that he has re exam today at training center. She tells all the best to him and leaves from there. Arjun gets happy and goes to get ready. Shanti overhears their conversation and she tells about it to Aditya.

Aditya asks Ronak that why the latter gave another chance to Arjun. Ronak says that Kaashvi proved someone exchanged Arjun’s answer sheet. He adds that Arjun deserves a chance. Arjun leaves from the house. Few people stops Arjun and beat him.

Episode ends.

Precap – Kaashvi tries to kill Aditya. Aditya goes in coma.

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