Woh Toh Hai Albelaa 15th August 2022 Written Update: Kusum supports Kanha’s decision.

Woh Toh Hai Albelaa 15th August 2022 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

The episode starts with Kanha coming to room and Indrani, Nani and Rashmi follows him. They find him upset and asks what happened. Kanha says that Sayuri is really upset because of him and he doesn’t know how to handle her. He asks what could he do convince her. Sayuri is equally tensed.

Nani asks him to not to worry as Sayuri couldn’t hold herself in his presence and so want to go away from him. Indrani says that Sayuri will soon understand that her happiness is with him and not leaving Delhi. She asks him not to worry. Sayuri is walking on road and recalls Kanha following her. She takes out the transfer order when someone calls her from behind. The girl mocks Sayuri for being so lost and leaves the place. Sayuri wonders why there is problems everywhere.

Saroj is outraged upon hearing from Dhanraj that Kanha went to stay with Sayuri in her house. Nakul says he did right by staying there. Saroj is totally against it but Dhanraj, Nakul and Dadaji supports Kanha. Anjali hears it all from upstairs and gets angry. Sayuri is walking on road and recalls Kanha following her. A girl keeps calling her but Sayuri was so lost. She is mocks at Sayuri for being so lost and Sayuri feels confused. Saroj is looking at the door missing Kanha.

Saroj sees Kanha mingling with everyone and feels left out. Kanha says to Sayuri that he’s there with the belief that he could convince her like Krishna could convince Radha and moves away. Saroj is angrily chopping vegetables when Kusum comes there. She says that father was right as it was therm who forced Kanha ro go out of the house.

She says that she feels Sayuri is a better choice than Anjali as atleast they don’t have to live in fear because of her. She asks her to accept Sayuri for Kanha as they already lost Chiru and don’t want the same for Kanha. Kusum leaves when Anjali comes there. She asks Saroj to bring back Kanha somehow and she would take care of the rest and Saroj nods confused. Anjali leaves.

Sayuri asks her family whether she’s invisible to them and they say that they are doing the same what she does with Kanha. Nakul brings God’s offering to them and Rashmi takes it but gives half to Nakul. Kanha watches it amused. Saroj is about to go to Kanha when Dhanraj stopped her. He warned her to not hinder but she doesn’t listen. Kanha comes there with the offering and Saroj taunts him for staying at In laws.

Kanha says its nothing wrong as when a girl can stay with in laws why not a son. He gives her offering. She takes half and feeds him. He takes his leave and goes to Sayuri and offers her offering. She too have half and gives half to him. He asks if it’s possible a thing of women to give half of what they have to others as Rashmi and his mother did the same.

Saroj is sitting upset when Nakul hugs her and consoles her. Kusum wards evil eyes off them. Kusum says Dhanraj that the next day is Rakhi and they celebrate it more than any festival every year but this year it feels so calm and silent. She wishes for everything to be back normal. Saroj is making Rakhi and asks Indrani to convince Kanha to go to his home for Rakshabandan. Indrani advises her.

Precap : Kanha will hold Sayuri from falling and will apply sindoor on her forehead. He will celebrate Rakshabandan with Kusum and Nakul will say Kanha that he fell in love with Rashmi. They both will rejoice and Anjali will hear it. She will make a plan.

The episode starts with everyone planning things after Sayuri’s exit at her home and Sayuri got confused hearing it. They make it Cleer that trey are not accompanying her in leaving the house. Anjali pleads Kanha to accept the deal if not for her but for his family. Kanha takes the files and Anjali rejoices that she stroked the right chord but he keeps it away. He says that he don’t want to take help.

Anjali says that her father did sonl much for Chaudhary marbles development and what’s the big deal of doing it again. Kanha says that he respects her father for his help but still turns down Anjali’s proposal. Saroj asks Kanha to accept Anjali for their employees good but Kanha doesn’t agree. Kusum asks Saroj if she’s aware of the price they need to pay for accepting it. Saroj says she’s worried to pay the price of not accepting it. Kanha leaves to him and Anjali pesters him and enters his room. Kanha tactfully takes her out.

Saroj says that she is very scared that what game Anjali would play each day and says that she’s sure Kanha would resolve it. However she doesn’t want to offend her and takes the file to go to Kanha to get his signature. Dhanraj says that it’s like damaging themselves more and asks her not to do so.

Sayuri still believes that it’s the right choice but Dhanraj says that he once lost a brother like friend because of her. He says that he can’t do

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