Ali Baba Dastaan-E-Kabul 24th January 2023 Written Update: Ali feels determined to find Mariam

Ali Baba Dastaan-E-Kabul 24th January 2023 Written Update On

The episode starts with Nafi falling sick hearing about Ali’s death news. Alifi says the guard is lying, their father is alive. Ali tells them that he never lies. Hasan asks him to behave gently with the kids. Hasan tells everyone that their Saviour is dead and its the truth only. Ali tells everyone to go back home without mourning. Ali controls his emotions saying people should believe in the lie that Ali Baba is dead else they will land in trouble. Poya lashes out at Ali saying how can he speak ill about their father. Khusro attacks Ali and the latter defends himself. Ali warns him to stay in limits. He says he is equally sad for saviour’s death but their motive is to find out the killer of saviour. His killer knew something about saviour which is why he killed him. Ali says now Iblis will be under their observation to catch the killer. He stabs Iblis’s body and Simsim gets angry.

Simsim thinks she will take back Iblis from the guard very soon. She informs the thieves that she was feeling ashamed seeing Iblis in the Parbaaz. She became invisible and tried to free Iblis but she failed due to the magical power of the sword. There Ali says he won’t free Iblis until he finds Marjina. Simsim says this can’t be a simple sword as how can it capture the evil king Iblis. She wonders who helped Ali to bring out Iblis from the cave. She suspects Hasan might be the person behind it. She says Ali’s death is still a mystery but she has to kill the helper of Ali.

Hasan mocks Simsim and Ali says she will play a big game now to free Iblis. He knows she will come back with a solid plan but he is waiting for her to teach her the lesson. He will reach Marjina through her. Simsim says she has to take someone’s help to free Iblis from the trap. Simsim recalls Guard’s insulting words towards Iblis. She says Iblis is not dead and she will prove it to everyone very soon. She can’t lose him and she has very less time to save him before the deadline. Ali’s kids console Nafi that their father is not dead. Nafi says so many things happened in last few days but he didn’t come to save his people. He breaks down saying Ali is not alive. Alifi says Ali is the saviour only so he can’t die easily. He will return, Nafi says why Ali didn’t reveal about his power to them? Poya thinks he can’t keep it a secret anymore from Nafi. He says Ali told him that he is the saviour. Nafi shouts why Ali didn’t tell them the truth before? Poya says he wanted to save Parbaaz people from danger. Alifi assumes maybe this time also Ali is lying about his death to save his people. He has a purpose of doing that.

Hasan tells the kids to get afraid seeing the head guard. Kids claim that the guard is lying that Ali is dead. He is still alive, Hasan says guard is not lying at all. Nafi says he will hit Ali with stone to learn the truth. Hasan tells him to drop it. Alifi questions Ali where is Ali’s dead body? Ali says he buried him. He avoids answering her and tells them to leave. Alifi says she knows he is lying because he has no idea where is Ali. She tells Ali swear on her and the latter gets shocked.

Episode ends

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