Banni Chow Home Delivery 3rd January 2023 Written Update: Banni accepts Kabir’s marriage proposal

Banni Chow Home Delivery 3rd January 2023 Written Update On

The episode starts with Kabir missing Banni and Atharva. On another side, Banni tells Atharva that one day your father will come because he cannot stay away from you. Kabir recalls his moments with Banni. On another side, Banni also cries missing Kabir. Yuvan appears in front of Kabir and tells him that you’re changing and you’re battling the Kabir within missing Banni and Atharva. He says you love them so accept it and stop suppressing your feelings. Kabir says you’re correct, I’m tired of hating people. Yuvan advises Kabir to end the hate and listen to your heart and admit that you’re incomplete without Banni and Atharva and it’s time to start a new life with them. He disappears.

At Banni’s house, Banni notices Atharva is missing. She comes out and tells Vishnu that she feared Raja might kidnap him again and we have to rescue him. Colony people say they search for him. That time Kabir comes there with his family and Atharva. Kabir tells her Atharva is with him. Banni feels relaxed. Kabir says the father and son duo have come up with an alliance for you. Banni looks at Devraj. He smiles. Kabir says he and Atharva can’t stay without her and asks Banni “will she become his wife and Atharva’s mother”? Everyone asks her to say yes. Kabir asks Banni if she is ready to marry the father of a kid. Banni feels emotional and tells yes to his proposal. Kabir feels delighted. Banni hugs him.

Later Kabir says to viewers how Banni changed Yuvan’s life with her food, love, and affection so if food is important to you and the flavor is important then order food from Banni chow home delivery. Banni smiles hearing him. A boy tells him the shot is ready. Kabir sees Banni and tells her she looks beautiful. Banni tells him she is feeling scared. Kabir says it’s to expand your business. He forwards his hand. Banni holds it. They act in the advertisement which is inspired by their first meeting. Banni feeds food to Kabir and his favorite Yuvan Meethi kheer. Kabir demands more kheer. Banni refuses and runs from him but he catches her along with the rice pudding box. Director says cut and pack up. Kabir and Banni are lost in each other.

Banni receives continuous orders. Family members help her in packing orders. Banni tells Kabir that she is getting orders from South India too. She asks how can she deliver. Kabir says to Banni that soon her dream will come true and soon there will be a chain of restaurants with Banni Chow’s name. He says they need to take a selfie. Kabir, Banni, and all the family members take a selfie.

Show ends.

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