Dadi Amma Dadi Amma Maan Jaao 26th March 2020 Upcoming Story and Twist

Dadi Amma Dadi Amma Maan Jaao 26th March 2020 Upcoming Story and Twist on

Episode begins with Rekha thinks everyone will get to know that the goons sended by her if police got that money and she can’t let that happen so she have to find that money anyhow. Shraddha was giving goons details to sketcher. Shlok calls Dhruv and asks him to bring Shraddha to pradhan house, they have to start Vikas’s last rituals. Dhruv informs that to sketcher and was about to take Shraddha with him.

Sketcher says Shraddha hardly remembers about the goons if she leave now then she will forget remaining details too so it’s important to complete the sketch now. Dhruv angrily takes Shraddha with him saying she needs to be in her house now.

One of the constable stops him saying without police permission he can’t take her anywhere because she is the eyewitness of the murder case. Dhruv pushes the constable, Police inspector gets angry seeing that. Police inspector scolds Dhruv for pushing the constable and beats him very badly.

Rekha thinks police didn’t got that money still so it will be in home only. Anjali cries seeing Vikas’s photo. They bring Vikas’s body inside the house and Anjali shatters seeing that. Sunderlal asks Rekha to stay with Anjali and says Anjali lost her mother in childhood now her father is no more. He says Rekha is like mother for Anjali and Anjali needs her most now. Rekha says now Anjali needs to spend time with Vikas. Sunderlal says they should not leave Anjali alone.

Rekha asks Anjali to handle herself, Vikas won’t like it seeing her like this. Dadaji gets dream of yesterday incident and thinks it would be good if it was just a dream but it’s a reality and decides to meet his family. Rekha says it’s destiny that Vikas is not with them, there is no mistake of anyone.

Panditji says they have to start the last rituals. Anjali says without Shraddha they can’t, asks them to wait. Shlok says Shraddha will join them he already asked Dhruv to bring her. Shraddha requests Police inspector to not beat Dhruv and he won’t come again. Police inspector says Shraddha can leave but he won’t leave Dhruv today and continuesly beats him.

Precap – Shraddha informs Anjali that Dadaji left from hospital to reach home. Anjali says Dadaji should not know about Vikas’s death.

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