Faltu 21st January 2023 Written Update: Ayaan shares his worry with Rijula

Faltu 21st January 2023 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

Episode starts with Faltu helping her father in his new business and packs all the spices. She practices to do all the work without her eye sight and gets elated up in achieving it step by step. Meanwhile, at that time Pratap comes there and scolds her for forgetting about the new work. He reminds her that she needs to go to the sweet shop in order to prepare sweets. She bites her tongue and apologises to Pratap for being late and ask him to take her there. At that time a girl comes in their house and says that the manager of the shop is scolding her for not being on time and sended her to bring Faltu to the shop.

Here, Faltu ask the girl to take her to the manager. Pratap advice Faltu to clean her hands before going to the sweet shop, orelse her sweets will smell like spices. The latter smiles and follows his advice before going out with the girl. She smells the sweets and was about to dash with the table but the manager stopped her.

The manager scolds Faltu and says that she was about to make all the sweets fall and rebukes the latter, but she takes a stand for herself and declares that she can do everything even without her eye sight. She surprises everyone with her talent and tells that who is making which type of ladoo just by smelling it.

Elsewhere, Faltu starts making the ladoo while Ayaan meets his agent and he notify that Faltu isn’t married. Ayaan denies to accept it and says that he himself has seen her with Dr. Ajit. The latter replies that he is just her doctor who is helping to treat his eyes. Ayaan gets confused and falls into a dilemma. He then gets a call from Tanisha, who ask her to bring the ladoo as soon as possible.

Dadi and Savita talks about Tanisha not making the ladoo while the latter cries being hurt. Sumitra creates a drama and shows her concern towards Tanisha. Meanwhile, Ayaan goes to the same shop and picks ladoo from there. He misses to see Faltu working there and goes back to the house. Tanisha scolds him for being late.

Ahead, Janardan sees Tanisha crying and ask about the latter. He then scolds Savita and Dadi asking them not to force Tanisha to do anything. He takes the latters side and ask to keep her happy. Both Savita and Dadi gets upset while Ayaan tries to console them and says that Janardan’s priority is always his business and ask them not to worry about it.

Faltu gets into a conversation with Charan and says that Dr. Ajit is doing so much for them. Meanwhile, Ayaan goes to Rijula and shares his worry. He proclaims that she is hiding something from everyone and he needs to find about it. Rijula also gets tensed for Faltu, while Ayaan notify her about the turmoil he is facing. Rijula shows her concern towards Ayaan and assures that everything will soon fall into its place.

Further, Siddharth gets the phone from the repair shop and gives it to Tanisha. He says that there is a video of marriage inside it and proclaims that they can get a proof regarding the marriage of Faltu. Tanisha hugs him being happy and then prays that Ayaan isn’t involved in it. Siddharth smirks and determines to get Tanisha back. They starts playing the video and gets shocked on seeing it.

Precap:- Faltu sits on a truth telling machine and a doctor starts questioning her. He ask that if her name is Faltu? To which she replies positively. He then ask that who filled her hairline in the temple? To which she takes Ayaan’s name, while Tanisha and Siddharth watched it from outside the room. Tanisha gets shocked, while Sid smirks as his plan worked.

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