Faltu 21st November 2022 Written Update: Faltu calls Ayaan for help

Faltu 21st November 2022 Written Update On SerialGossip.in

Episode starts with Faltu running away from the goons while they tries to catch her. She gets inside the jungle and hides from them while they keep searching for her. She becomes scared and recalls Ayaan. She ask him for help and looks at her phone insisting God to help her. She prays for the phone to get switch on for some time so that she can contact Ayaan and apprise him about the problem. She states that only Ayaan can save her and becomes emotional. She tries to open the phone and luckily it got switched on. Whereas, goons misses to see her hiding behind the tree and goes to the other side to find her.

Here, Faltu starts sweating because of fear and waits for her phone to get on. Whereas, Janardan starts giving a speech in front of the guests. He declares that Tanisha will get engaged to the heir of his property and the guy who will be the future of their business. Sid smirks and moves forward. His father tries to stop him and gives a glare, while Sumitra shows her support towards Sid.

Sumitra ask Sid to go forward and says that he deserves it, while he removes his father’s hand and goes ahead. He was about to get on the stage as Janardan was about to announce regarding the heir. At that time Ayaan gets inside his house, checking his phone for Faltu’s call but couldn’t able to see any.

Elsewhere, Suhanna notices Ayaan and shouts his name while everyone looks at him and gets elated except for Sid and his mother. Janardan becomes happy and declares Ayaan to be the heir of his business. He also announces about Ayaan and Tanisha’s engagement and calls the latter upon the stage.

Janardan praises his son while Sid looks at him being furious. He confronts the latter in front of his family and ask about the urgency. Ayaan thinks that he can’t tell them about the truth and makes up an excuse. He proclaims that there wasn’t any issue in the mart and he got late to come to his engagement because the villagers needed his help for the one who helped him to set his business in Ittarpur.

Ahead, Janardan shoes his proudness towards Ayaan while the latter goes inside his room. Savita comes there and snatches his phone as he was about to call Faltu. He tries to make her understand but she ask him to get ready for the engagement. He goes upon the stage and both Tanisha and him makes each other wear the ring. He still keeps thinking about Faltu but Suhaana handles the situation.

Tanisha gives a heartfelt speech for Ayaan while he also gives a speech regarding her. Whereas, Charan tells Jamana about Ayaan taking Faltu to the Mumbai. He notify her about his promise and assures that he have full faith in the latter. Jamana says that she is feeling that something is not right. She gets worried for Faltu while Charan tries to calm her down.

Further, Ayaan gets Faltu’s call and the latter tells him about the danger. She insists him to come there and save her while he gets shocked and leaves his engagement party to save Faltu. Sid sees him and starts following, while Ayaan tries to track Faltu. He reaches the jungle and ask about her to a shopkeeper but the latter denies to see her. He runs away from there to find Faltu, while Sid confronts the shopkeeper and gets suspicious after learning that Ayaan was asking about a girl.

Precap:- Janardan tells Kanika that Ayaan is a responsible guy. He shows his trust upon the latter, while Sid declares that he knows about Ayaan’s whereabouts. Meanwhile, Ayaan confronts Faltu and declares that he is only concerned about her at that time. He proclaims that she is the most important concern in his life at that moment, even more then hos engagement. Whereas, Sid tells Mittals that Ayaan is with the girl and is trying to search for her. He says that don’t know when he will find her and come back to the house. At that time Ayaan comes there with Faltu and says that he found the girl, while everyone looks at him being shocked.

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