Imlie 17th March 2023 Written Update: Arto and Imlie confront Akash for blaming Dhairya

Imlie 17th March 2023 Written Update on

The episode starts with Arto telling Imlie that he will confront Akash for his ill deed. There Akash gets happy thinking he finally put the blame on a poor and he is safe now. There Arto catches Akash outside the house and is about to ask him why he did that to Dhairya but his family comes to Arto and Imlie. They inform them that Dhairya told Ranas to go out of the house and they hear breaking noise inside. Rana’s get shocked seeing Dhairya is breaking stuffs in the house. He tells his friend Monty that he is not here to steal anything but he is breaking things just how Akash did that.

Arto loses his calm and Dhairya opens the door. Arto attacks him for creating scene. He says Devika cried because of him and he won’t spare him for that. Dhairya says just because he is poor doesn’t mean his mother’s tears don’t matter. Dhairya and Arto get into a fight but Imlie stops them. Arto says he could have apologised to Dhairya but the way he took revenge it’s wrong. Akash accuses Dhairya for doing fraud. Dhairya apologises to Rudra for his act and says he had to do justice to himself as Akash won’t be fired from job because he is Rudra’s son. Dhairya says he can even sacrifice his life for his boss Rudra but this time he knows Akash is the real culprit. Rudra scolds Dhariya saying how dare he points finger at Akash. Dhairya gives explanations and is about to leave but Imlie says he is right.

Imlie says how she heard Akash’s conversation that Dhairya is on leave for his mother’s illness. Arto says they even met Dhairya’s mother. Dhairya is innocent and Akash is at fault. Akash says that must be a misunderstanding but Arto says Imlie never gives wrong information. Dhairya leaves and Rudra slaps Akash repeatedly. Rudra says he regrets for trusting his own son. He disowns Akash from all the rights of his property. Akash and Kia get shocked. There Imlie recites a poem in front of Arto and the latter likes it. Imlie says she feels good that Dhairya’s innocence is proved else a poor would have been punished for no reason.

Arto says he can understand. There Rudra remains worried for the several business deals Akash handled. Manish says he also trusted him but now he is regretting for that. Imlie overhears that and asks Rudra if she can help him. Rudra tells her to focus on her marriage with Arto as after so long things got better between them. Imlie thinks she knows Rudra is stressed and then she overhears Devika telling Shivani about her worries that who will take the responsibilities of business in future. Imlie says she believes Rudra is still capable of handling business. There Arto recalls Imlie’s poem and takes inspiration from there to write his own rap song. He is about to show it to Imlie and she says she wants to talk to him about something important. She says Rudra raised him and did many things for him so its Arto’s duty to help the latter in his business. She can understand Arto’s dream and aspirations but Rudra is dealing with his business issue alone so Arto should fulfil a son’s responsibility by helping him for some days atleast. Arto says that was never his interest but Imlie requests him to reconsider his decision.

Precap- Arto gets ready like a businessman and goes to Rudra saying he will handle his business from now though he doesn’t have much knowledge about it. Imlie gets delighted seeing the change in him. There one man says father and son both are same to which Dhairya says Arto became rich by luck.

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