Imlie 9th March 2023 Written Update: Imlie cuts ties with Chini

The episode starts with Chini asking Imlie if she forgot she only signed the divorce papers. Arto shows Chini the papers where Imlie’s sign is not shown. Imlie laughs at her. Chini says she betrayed her and she should not smile. Even Arto supported Imlie in this memory loss drama but it’s okay as he doesn’t love her anymore. Imlie says she doesn’t know about Arto but she loves him. She made many sacrifices for him and even she planned the memory loss drama for his own good. Imlie counterattacks Chini that the latter didn’t do anything for Arto. Chini loses her calm saying she loves him and she also did many things for him.

Arto gets happy hearing that. She even did the fake suicide drama to win him. She planned the divorce between Arto and Imlie. She even made the chandelier fall on Imlie. She pushed her from balcony as well. She did all these to marry Arto. Everyone gets shocked hearing her confession. Rupy asks Chini why she tried to kill her own sister? Imlie says this time she is telling the truth. Chini tried to kill her several times and when her phone broke she lost hope and decided to execute the memory loss drama.

Arto says her phone has been recovered and he plays the recording of Chini’s confession. Sundar asks Chini why she did it to Imlie? Chini says because they gave all the love to Imlie not to her. Anu sides with Chini saying Rathods indeed gave all the property to Imlie and not to Chini because she is not a Rathod. Sundar says Imliya and Aryan gave good upbringing to Chini but Anu made her like Malini. She brainwashed her and instilled unnecessary hatred inside her.

Rupy asks Anu now the latter must be happy after destroying Chini’s life. Imlie says if Chini asked her what she wants. She would have given her everything but Chini found peace in snatching only. Imlie says Chini is just selfish. She even lied to Arto about Shayara and took advantage of his emotions. Rupy sacrificed all her life for Chini but the latter didn’t value her.

Chini says she is selfish and just how Imlie’s mother snatched everything from Malini she will take her mother’s revenge. Imlie says Chini had everything and Imliya considered her as her own daughter but she didn’t understand the importance. Imlie says she and her mother both will cut ties with Chini today. Chini gets furious and throws a burning wood at Imlie. Arto saves her but her dress catches fire. Arto tells her she knows why he saved her. Arto tells Chini not to attack like a coward. Rupy, Sundar and Rudra everyone come forward to stop Chini from attacking Imlie further. They warn her saying she has to hurt them first to reach Imlie.

Chini gets scared and Rupy drags her out of the house. Imlie cries and she tells Arto and Devika that now it’s time for her to leave the house as her plan is successful. Imlie leaves being sad and Arto looks at her emotionally. There Rupy and Sundar get sad over the fact that they couldn’t give Chini good lessons and she was living with hatred. Imlie says they should not blame each other. She says she will also leave with them. Sundar says why Imlie can’t give another chance to Arto as the latter has changed.

Rupy says he extinguished the fire in her dupatta without thinking about himself and that proves he feels the same about her. Arto tells Devika that Imlie proposed him just to make Chini confess the truth. She doesn’t love him now. Devika says Arto should understand that Imlie didn’t lie but it was her genuine feelings. They should start afresh.

Precap- Imlie and Arto take pheras around the holy fire. They take their own vows where noone can come between them and create rift between them. After pheras one guy gets up and calls Imlie. He says he is Dhairya. Imlie looks on.

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