Kavya 12th February 2024 Written Update: Omi slits his wrist

Kavya 12th February 2024 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

The episode starts with the trade union president greeting the Pradhan family. The trade union President says to Adi that he brought him a gift and says this is Omi’s fertility report and says he found this in Kavya’s office.

Omi asks Kavya how did this file reach there. Adi says he took the file to Kavya’s office but not with a bad intention. Giriraj asks Adi how is it a good thing to humiliate Omi in public. Adi asks Giriraj why would he do that.

Omi thinks Alka gave this file to Adi and asks Alka if she is happy that instead of her now everyone is thinking that he is not capable of giving birth to kids.

Omi comments on Alka and leaves from there. Omi closes the door and fears the ridicule of society and slits his wrist with a fountain pen.

Alka asks Kavya why couldn’t she stop herself from interfering and comments on Kavya.

Santu reveals to Pradhan’s family about Omi closing himself in a room and not responding to him. Giriraj and Adi break the door and they find Omi unconscious.

The Pradhan family admit Omi in the hospital. Giriraj says to Kavya that if anything happens to Omi she will take revenge on her family.

The trade union president asks Kavya to stay away from Omi and comments on her. Kavya leaves from there. The trade union president assures Giriraj that he will take care of everything and asks Giriraj not to worry.

The trade union president gets a call from his granny and he gives the phone to Giriraj Pradhan.

Giriraj says to Granny that Omi committed suicide due to Kavya’s actions. Granny comments on it.

Adi consoles his family. Malini throws the file on the floor. Kavya just passes by one of the Angel Pharma papers but she doesn’t notice it. Kavya comes to Alka and tries to explain to Alka that she doesn’t know how all of this happened.

Granny reminds Giriraj of the lesson that she taught him when he was a child. Granny asks Giriraj to teach a lesson to Kavya. Giriraj says he recalls about it and cuts the call.

Giriraj calls Rajiv and complaints to Rajiv about Kavya destroying Alka’s marriage.

The trade union president comes to Adi and comforts Adi saying he will take care of everything. The trade union president looks at Kavya.

Malini gets a call from Anjali. Anjali asks Malini how did all of this happen. Malini complaints to Anjali about Kavya destroying their family and ripping it apart. Anjali asks Malini to forgive Kavya. Anjali asks Kavya if she will be able to forgive if she was in her position. Anjali stays silent.

The doctor comes out and reveals to Pradhan family that Omi lost a lot of blood and he isn’t out of danger. The trade union president comes to Malini and comforts her before Kavya.

Kavya leaves from there. Kavya sees Omi’s fertility report. Kavya picks up the papers. The trade union president picks up Angel Pharma receipt and takes the file from Kavya. Kavya later leaves from there.

Adi returns home. Santu asks Adi how is Omi. Adi says Omi will be fine.

Adi comes and sits on the floor. Adi finds the pen with which Omi slit his wrist. Adi wipes away the blood on it.

The trade union president looks at Angel Pharma receipt. Giriraj asks the trade union president what is this receipt doing here. The trade union president asks Giriraj to think what would have happened if Kavya saw this receipt. The trade union president says that Kavya would have found out that Omi is Navya’s killer. The trade union president burns the receipt.

Adi notices the name on the pen and it is Angel Pharma.

Episode ends.

Precap:- Adi confirms the name of Omi’s company is Angel Pharma from Malini and reveals to Malini that Omi is Navya’s murderer.

Adi says to Kavya that he would like to tell her something.

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