Parineetii 12th February 2024 Written Update: Parineet saves Neeti

Parineetii 12th February 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with the nurse informing Neeti that Sukhwinder is in ICU. Neeti asks her if she alright? A nurse tells her that Sukhwinder’s state is critical. Parminder gets happy to see Sanju and Parineet. She asks Neeti if she alright? Neeti nodded to her. She thanked her for taking care of her mom. She adds that she is a good person. Bebe says to Neeti that she met with an accident after Neeti was abducted by the goons. Neeti says to Parineet that God is punishing her. Parineet assures her that nothing will happen to her. She consoles her. The doctor informs Sanju that Shukhwinder has an internal bleeding. Chandrika says to Parminder that Neeti is in shock. The goon notices Neeti and informs his Boss. She demands him to bring both girls to her. She won’t leave him if they missed from his hand again. Meanwhile, Neeti is praying for her mom. Parineet consoles her. Neeti says that she doesn’t know why is God punishing her like this? She never thought bad for others. It seems God punishing her mom for her mistake.

The God has to punish her not Shukhwinder. She asks the God to punish her. Neeti asks Parineet to pray for her mom. Parineet tells her that she was praying for her. Neeti starts coughing. Parineet excuses her to bring water. The goon makes Neeti unconscious and take her from there in a wheelchair. The goon informs the Boss that he catch Neeti. The Boss demands him to bring Parineet along with Neeti. Meanwhile, Gurinder asks Parminder to explain her what’s going on here? No one is informing her. It seems she is not a member of this family. Chandrika says that they came to the hospital straight after they heard the information. Gurinder asks her then how did Sanju heard it. Someone would have informed him. She was worrying about her children in home. Sanju consoles her. Parineet notices the goon and tries to stop him. Parineet shouts for help. Sanju comes there and fights with the goons.

Gurinder asks Parineet what happened to Neeti? She says to her those goons came behind them. He tried to abduct Neeti again. Tao ji asks the doctor to check her. The doctor tells him that she is alright. She will regain her consciousness asap. Sanju comes there and says to Parineet that guards catch the goons. They will handover them to the police. Parineet says to Parminder that it’s not safety for Neeti to stay outside. She requests her to allow Neeti to stay in Bajwa’s house. Parminder says that she already discussed this topic with her. It’s not good for Parineet’s life. She says that Neeti will stay with her mom. Sanju hears it and tell her that Neeti gained her consciousness. Gurinder says to Neeti that she will stay with them until her mom discharged from the hospital. Neeti denied it reasoning she can stay in her aunt home. She doesn’t want to trouble anyone. Parineet says that she isn’t troubling anyone. Tao ji asks her to stay with them. Neeti denied it. Parminder says that she can stay alone. But she will stay with them until her mom discharged from the hospital.

Parineet is happy to hear it. Neeti denied it reasoning she will create problems in her life. Parineet denied it. Later, Neeti reaches to Bajwa’s house. She asks Sanju to help her. She feels dizzy. Parminder gets suspicious seeing it. She says that she can’t ask the elders to help her. Parineet and Sanju helps her. Neeti stares Sanju. Sanju gets suspicious.

Episode end

Sanju shares his doubt with Parminder

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