Meet 4th October 2022 Written Update: Meet Ahlawat sets a trap to catch Meet

Meet 4th October 2022 Written Update on

The episode starts with Meet Ahlawat telling Barfi that she can’t reveal the truth to Neelam. It should be hidden as long as possible. Meet thinks what might be the secret. He gets to know all arrangements for puja are done. Meet Ahlawat gets Neelam’s call and gets bad thoughts that she might commit suicide. He receives the call and asks Neelam not to take any drastic step. Barfi speaks out that Isha received a gift from Deep. Who is doing it? If Meet Ahlawat is behind this. He replies he didn’t disclose the truth to anybody. Infact he was telling her not to expose the truth to Neelam at all. Barfi says her phone is missing for three days, she didn’t call him. He gets shocked to know that. He says then whom he was talking to?

Barfi says someone is outsmarting them. That person sent gift to Isha and also calling Meet Ahlawat to know the truth. She says she will try to find out who is doing all this. He says he will also try to know who is conspiring against them. Neelam shows up in party wear and she says she laughs at her own destiny. Her husband doesn’t love her and romancing with his first wife in the name of Yatra. She says she hated how Isha pushed her. She wants to devise a plan against her to teach her a lesson. Barfi thinks this third person surely is aware of the truth thus he/she sent vermilion box to Isha. She calls Meet Ahlawat and doubts Meet Hooda behind this. He says Meet can never make fun of Isha’s emotions. He can take the guarantee. She says she will then file a police complaint. He tells her what to do and bumps into Meet. She gets nervous when the phone falls down. She thinks Meet Ahlawat might see Barfi’s phone.

Puja also bumps into Meet and drops first aid box. Meet asks her why she is carrying first aid. Puja makes excuse of Kamal’s injury. Meet says it’s her duty to look after Kamal and Puja as they did a lot for them too. Meet goes to their room and Kamal says his finger is wounded nothing else. It will get better soon..Meet leaves and Kamal tells Puja to treat his feet injury. Puja says she tried her best to stop Meet. Kamal says he overheard what they said. He says Meet is chasing him and he has to be very careful. He can’t give up on his dream of getting a baby boy.

Meet Ahlawat plays with the baby and Babita says Meet took his place in Raj’s life. He trusts her more than his son. He says he appreciates Meet’s efforts. Raj tells Meet to not give foot massage to him. It’s weird for him that his daughter is touching his feet. Meet says he is only taking care of him. Babita says she likes Meet too but she just wants Raj to accept his son in equal way. Meet Ahlawat says if Barfi’s suspicion is correct as Meet might steal Barfi’s phone. He decdies to search for it soon. Meet lays on bed and looks at Meet Ahlawat. She says till Dusshera hopefully she will learn why Meet Ahlawat married Neelam.

Meet Ahlawat thinks he has to know who is sending him texts. He sends a text saying he will write down the truth on a letter and will send it to Neelam. Meet gets confused reading the text. The baby starts crying and she tries to take the milk. She drops it by mistake and the baby cries more. He thinks why Meet is not reading his text and whoever is the culprit will try to steal the letter from letter box. Meet finds herself in dilemma thinking she should read the text or not.

Episode ends

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