Meet Upcoming Story: Ammaji begs Meet to save their reputation

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Zee TV new show Meet starrer Ashi Singh and Shagun Pandey has come up with a fresh concept.

As reported earlier it’s shown Manushi eloped from Mandap with Kunal. Meet coudn’t find Manushi than shr returned to home and informed to her Mom and Dadi about Manushi elopement. Anubha and Dadi breaksdown after knowing it than Anubha informed to Rajvardhan about Manushi elopement and he felt bad and said it’s inauspicious if Baarat leaves without the bride. Anubha asked him to marry his son to Meet if he don’t have any problem. Raj told them horoscope matching is must so I can’t tell anything before consulting Guruji. Guruji arrived to mandap and he informed them that Meet and Meet Ahlawat are made for eachother. Anubha asked Meet to marry Meet Ahlawat but she denied to marry him.

Raj asked Anubha to make Meet agree and he went to make Meet agree for the marriage. Raj informed to Meet about Manushi elopement and Meet felt broken but he covered it saying Manushi was not for me and its good she understood early that she doesn’t love me.
In the upcoming episode viewers gonna witness that Raj will asks Meet Ahlawat to marry the younger sister of Manushi. Meet Ahlawat will denies his request. Otherside Dadi will tell to Meet that she realised that she was born to save their respect and she begs Meet to marry Meet Ahlawat but Meet denies her request.

Meet will notice Meet and asks if she came to steal things in marriage. Raj will stop him by telling Meet is sister of Manushi and asks him to marry her but Meet will deny and leaves from mandap

Will Meet agree to marry Meet Ahlawat? Will Manushi realise her mistake?

All these questions will be answered in the upcoming episodes.

To know what will happen next in your favorite show, keep checking this space for new and exclusive updates.

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