Mithai 12th August 2022 Written Update: Mithai steals the documents from Girish’s locker

Mithai 12th August 2022 Written Update on

The episode starts with some children dressed as Lord Krishna and some women covering their faces come to the Chobe mansion. The women dance for a devotional song. Apeksha unties herself and when she tries to run away Indu tries to stop her but Apeksha hits her with a rice pounder. Sid sees that one of the woman is Mithai. Sid tells that Mithai has come to Harimohan. Indu becomes unconscious. Apeksha says she will reveal everything. The women invite Girish and everyone to the dance. Mithai steals the keys from Girish while he is dancing and she goes upstairs to the locker.

Mithai opens the locker and takes the documents and the pendrive. Abha goes upstairs. Abha sees Mithai with the documents. Apeksha comes to the Chobe mansion and calls for Girish and says Mithai is in the house she came here to steal the video and the documents. Sid and Mithai are together. She says they kidnapped her. Girish says everyone got together and betrayed me. Harimohan and Chandrakantha start the Pooja.

Abha tries to catch Mithai but Mithai gives her a slip and comed out of the room. Girish and Abhishek also try to catch Mithai. Girish asks Mithai to give everything that she took from the locker room or there will be consequences. Everyone corners Mithai upstairs so Mithai throws the documents downstairs. Sid catches the documents and when they come to him. Sid throws the documents to Mithai. Mithai throws the documents downstairs again when they come to her and when Pramod tries to catch the documents they fall in the fire.

Sid stops Pramod. Everybody just watches as the documents are being burnt as they couldn’t do anything. Harimohan thanks Gopal ji and they do Pooja to Gopal ji. Harimohan and Chandrakantha give Aarthi to Gopal ji. Some people are sad and some people are happy with what happened. Sid and Mithai give Aarthi to Gopal ji as a pair. Geethika gives Aarthi to everyone.

Girish says you call me papa and you backstabbed me like this. Sid says I did what you did Sir. Sid says your game is over. Girish says it’s not over I will go to the court. Mitahi says it’s useless to go without evidence. Girish asks her to get out of the house. Harimohan says they are not with him and they will leave the house. Sid also leaves with Harimohan. Mithai says nobody is going to go anywhere.

Mithai shows the documents that Sid signed the business and property on their name. And she throws them into the fire infront of everyone. Girish says to Mithai you are going to pay for this. I will get the documents out of the court. Sid says you can get them but until then you can’t tell us to go out of the house. Sid says and I can also file a case against you. Girish asks what did he do. Sid says you have thrown your parents out of the house and as per new laws it is a crime.

Episode ends

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