Parineetii 15th December 2023 Written Update: Neeti takes Parineet’s place

Parineetii 15th December 2023 Written Update on

The episode starts with Bajwa family greeting the priest. They learns that Parineet and Sanju didn’t reached to the temple yet. Parminder says that they left early. They didn’t notice them on the way. Bebe thinks that it’s good they didn’t arrives here. They may met with an accident on the way. Parineet and Sanju arrives there at that time. The priest says lets start the pooja asap. Neeti arrives there. Parineet and Sanju are sitting in thr pooja. The priest says to Parminder that ladies have to pour this holy water on Parineet to clean the Haldi. Men have to do it to Sanju. They start the rituals. Sanju smiles at Parineet. Neeti gets emotional seeing it. Sanju and Parineet shares an eye lock. The priest says that it’s over now. He asks them to change their dress. He asks Parineet to wear this ghunghat on her head while taking pehras. She shouldn’t remove it. Neeti thinks that she will take pehras with Sanju. Chandrika takes Parineet from there. Sanju prevents Parineet from fall. He helps Parineet to wear her slipper. Neeti feels jealous.

Parineet asks Chandrika to go and worship. She will change her dress. Chandrika says that she can do it later. Neeti keeps a close watch on them. She covered her face and stands behind Parineet. Parineet says to Chandrika it seems they have to wait a lot. She asks her to leave. Neeti thinks that Parineet is not able to take her side. She will make sure she won’t come outside of this room. Meanwhile, Monty asks Sanju if he is sure about this wedding? He nodded to him. Monty says that he looks like damn sure that is why he is suspicious. He asks him not to leave Parineet again. He assures him that he won’t leave Parineet. Meanwhile, Parineet goes inside the room. Neeti locks Parineet inside the room. She takes her chunri. She wears Parineet’s slippers and covered her face with that veil. Neeti comes out. Sanju mistakes Neeti as Parineet by noticing her slipper. He prevents her from fall. Neeti thinks that she just needed it. He shouldn’t leave her hand. Parineet notices that someone locked her inside the room. She thinks who will do it.

Monty feels jealous to see Babli with Jai. He praises her attire. Monty asks Babli what’s she thinking about Jai? She asks him if he feels jealous? He says that it’s not like that. She is a perfect to him. Sanju comes there. Babli asks Parineet why she wearing this dress? She usually don’t wear such clothes. She is unaware Neeti is under the veil. Monty says that it’s her wedding so she can try new things. Neeti thinks that she considered her as her sister. But she is Parineet’s sister. She will snatch their happiness. Sanju asks Babli and Monty to stop arguing. Sanju and Neeti takes the priest blessing. He says to Sanju that they have to take pehras around this tree. Who is taking pehras around this tree will be together always. Neeti thinks that she was his. No one is able to separate her from him. Monty asks his father is he saying the truth. He nodded to him. Meanwhile, Parineet shouting for help. She prays to the god to send someone to help her.

The priest asks them to clean their hands first. Monty says that Sanju is going to do the pooja then why should they clean their hand. The priest says that they are attending the pooja with them. The priest asks Sanju and Neeti to take pehras.

Episode end

Precap; Parineet in a dilemma

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