Parineetii Upcoming Story: How will Rajeev Tackle the situation?

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Parineetii is Colors TV’s popular show. This show never fails to entertain its audience with the unique story line. Now serial focusing on Rajeev to learn the truth!

In the previous episode we saw; Parineet consoled Rajeev and said to him that he will feel better if he take a good sleep. Neeti thought about her mom’s state and suspected something bothered her. She called Rajeev and shared her fear with him.

Rajeev reminded Sukhwinder promise and assured her nothing much she shared everything with him made Neeti surprised. Parineet asked Rajeev to drink milk and went to sleep. Gurpreet tried to contact Parineet to inform her about their arrival but didn’t attend the call.

Mandeep wanted to see who gonna marry Neeti. Parineet took care of wedding arrangements. Rajeev helped Neeti to get ready. Vicky family reached Chandigarh. They entered into taxi whom got beaten from Parineet and Neeti.

Relative scared Neeti she shouldn’t meet groom before marriage. She shared her fear with Parineet.

In the upcoming episode viewers will see; Priest will ask Rajeev to forward his hand. Neeti will search for Parineet and ask them where is she? She won’t marry without her. Rajeev will get shock to see Parineet with Neeti and doubt how come they know each other. He will stand there numb.

What will happen next? Will Rajeev elope from Mandap? How will Rajeev tackle this situation?

Upcoming episode will answer to our all questions stay tune with our space for more updates.

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