Parineetii Upcoming Story: Parineet to reveal the truth

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Parineeti is a popular Colors TV show. This show never fails to entertain its audience with a unique story line. Now, the series focuses on Parineet reveals the truth to Neeti.

In a recent episode, we see: Parineet saying to Neeti that the doctor said to her that there would be complications in her 4th month pregnancy. She doesn’t want to stress Neeti anymore because she has come out of trauma now. But Neeti and Sanju are parents of her child. So she wishes to reveal this truth to her. Gurpreet fears something is going to happen to Rajeev or Parineet.

She calls Parineet to confirm it. Parineet hides the truth from her and disconnects the call. She feels something fishy and wishes to meet her in Chandigarh. The goons try to kidnap Sanju. He escapes from there. He crosses Parineet and Neeti. They feel something strange.

The goons abduct Sanju from there. A stranger notices it. The goons kidnap Sanju and informs the media. Mehra learns that Sanju was abducted. Gurinder fears the worst after learning the truth.

In the upcoming episode viewers will see; Gurpreet will visit Bajwa’s mansion. Neeti will tell her that her husband, Sanju, was kidnapped. She will ask Gurinder. What happened to your son? The goons will demand Bajwa to give 25 lakh to release Sanju. Pari will reveal to Gurpreet that both Sanju and Rajeev are the same person.

What will happen next? When will Parineet reveal the truth to Neeti?

Will Parineet find Neeti’s secret?

The upcoming episode will answer all our questions and stay in tune with our space for more updates.

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