Pushpa Impossible 23rd September 2023 Written Update: Viren executes a new ploy against Pushpa

Pushpa Impossible 23rd September 2023 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

The episode starts with Devi Singh telling Pushpa that it’s an open and shut case. She says she decided to fight the case. Pushpa thanks her. The assistant asks Devi to rethink her decision. Devi says she decided to fight the case for Mahindra.

Pushpa meets Jugal and tells him about the incident that happened with Rashi. Jugal gets shocked and says they don’t need to leave that kind of person. She tells him that Devi agreed to fight Mahindra’s case. Shukla calls Pushpa. He gives her a huge order. Pushpa accepts the order. Pushpa is unaware that Shukla is Viren’s man. Viren tells Shukla that they need to be careful while dealing with Pushpa as she has Jugal’s support. Jugal tells Pushpa that they need to do a background check before accepting the order. He tells her that they need to take 50% as advance.

Pushpa shares happy news with her family. She asks Sonal and Manish to come for dinner. She sends Chirag to give ice cream to Bapodhara. Chirag agrees and gives ice cream to Bapodhara and his family.

Kannayya Shukla recalls Viren’s words and executes Viren’s plan. Pushpa and Jugal come to Shukla’s office. Shukla tells them that he will give them a 25 percent advance after one week for the sarees. Jugal says they can’t start the order without taking an advance. Pushpa says they can manage for one week and convinces Jugal to accept the order. Jugal accepts it. They leave from there asking Shukla to send an official email. Shukla calls Viren and tells him that the work is done. Viren asks him to implement the next plan like they planned.

Jugal and Pushpa return home. Pushpa sees Mahindra in distress. She sends Jugal inside. She goes to Mahindra and tells him that Devi Singh has agreed to fight his case. She asks him to meet Devi the next day at 3 p.m. Mahindra feels elated. He thanks her. Pushpa says she doesn’t need it.

Later Pushpa calls Deepti. Deepti comes there and likes the dishes Pushpa prepared for client’s. Pushpa asks Deepti to pack the food for client’s. Pushpa takes sweet to Jugal. Jugal tells Pushpa how much money they need to finish the order. He says its a big amount. Pushpa tells him she is determined to finish the order. She tells him she is ready to mortgage her house.

Episode ends.

Precap – Mahindra gives one lakh cheque to Devi Singh as he wants to save Golu at any cost. Devi Singh warns him that it’s an open shut case.

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