Rabb Se Hai Dua 25th January 2023 Written Update: Dadi decodes Gulnaaz and Gazal’s plan

Rabb Se Hai Dua 25th January 2023 Written Update On SerialGossip.in

Episode starts with Dadi getting suspicious about Gazal’s intention. She takes Dua inside her room and warns the latter about Gazal. She ask her to be careful and advice her to save Haider and her relationship. She proclaims that Gazal have eye on Haider. Dua gets shocked hearing it but tries to clarify Dadi. She says that she has been mistaken, she states that Gazal never got love from anyone and is happy to be around them. She takes a stand for Gazal, while Dadi warns her about the latter again. She says that she have seen the world and will do everything she can to protect her family as well as Dua’s marriage.

Here, Gazal comes inside Dadi’s room while the latter changes her tone and talks sweetly with her. She says that she lost her father’s last thing and questions Gazal that if she has seen it? To which the latter denies. Dadi then talks about Gazal’s father and shows her sympathy towards the latter. Gazal also says that she lost the last belonging of her father that is his house.

Dadi takes the opportunity and says that they should help Gazal to get the belonging of her father back. She ask Dua to get her house repaired as soon as possible. Dua looks at Dadi understanding her intention to send Gazal out of the house, while the latter also gets it and goes away from there. Meanwhile, Dadi ask Dua to do as per her saying in order to save her marriage.

Elsewhere, Gazal tells about Dadi’s decision to Gulnaaz while the latter instigates her stating that Dadi is trying to send her away from the house. Gazal smirks and says that she have a plan to destroy Dadi’s intention. She notify Gulnaaz about her idea while the latter says that it is dangerous.

Gazal smirks and says that she can take any risk to stay in the family in order to destroy their happiness and get Haider. Gulnaaz agrees to help Gazal in her plan. Meanwhile, Gazal meets Ruhaan and talks with him thinking about the future where she can use him. He expresses his love towards her while she ignores him and goes away from there.

Ahead, Gulnaaz shouts from the hall area and ask everyone to come down. All rushes downstairs and ask about the matter, to which she shows the water filled hall. She says that it is coming somewhere from the house while Haider and Ruhaan goes to check about it. Dua ask Hina to be careful as the latter was about to slip. She also gets concerned regarding the matter.

Gazal sits inside the bath tub of her washroom. She smirks thinking about her plan and keep leaking the water. She plays with the water but accidentally slips inside the bath tub and struggles to get up. She tries to hold the edges but gets unsuccessful and falls unconscious as the water gets inside her body. Meanwhile, Ruhaan and Haider sees Gazal and gets worried as she doesn’t open the door.

Further, Ruhaan closes the water supply and gets inside Gazal’s washroom. Haider picks her up and takes her to the hall. Everyone gets worried for her while Gazal thinks it to be Gazal’s plan and ask someone to give mouth to mouth breathing to her. Haider was about to do it but at that time Gazal gets conscious. She whispers to Gulnaaz that she really got unconscious. Dua gets relieved as Haider didn’t touched Gazal. At that time the doctor came and Gazal lies that she went to the washroom while sleep walking. The doctor ask them to look after her while Hina says that she won’t let Gazal go anywhere. Dadi glares at her and understands Gazal’s plan while the latter smirks as her plan gets successful.

The episode ends.

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