Sasural Simar Ka 2 Upcoming Story: Masumi to elope from the orphanage!

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Colours TV’s popular Sasural Simar ka 2 show will show an interesting plot twist. A ugly statue has appeared in the house of Oswaal to captivate Aarav.

Ahead, Arindam, the husband of Labuni will come to stay in Oswaal family in terms to kill the Oswal family. He also feels envious for the laudable relationship between Simar and Aarav.

Previously we have seen, when they go to a orphanage, during that Simar learns about a new girl whose name Masumi, outrageous and unstable, and treats her as a friend.

Later, Gajendra confesses that that girl is his own child. Being thunderstrucked to listen this horrific incident, Gajendra tries to arrange his logic but Badima slaps him and doesn’t want to listen.

Aarav questions his father and fears how would he stand in front of her mother. When they return to the house, the truth is kept hidden from Sandhya but she doubts why all are so serious. During all these, they are informed that Masumi has run from the orphanage.

In the next episode, Sandhya feels something gloomy then Sandhya asks Vivaan about Gajendra and he tells Gajendra had some work in office. Later they think how would they tell to Sandhya about this shameful incident.

Simar realises the situation and shares that Gajendra has been hiding the truth for 25 years. But he had fulfilled every wish and responsibility of his wife and son after his marriage.

Suddenly one individual informs that Masumi has left the orphanage. Badima also feels tensed for Masumi but confirms that she can’t anything for Masumi.

Why did Brahmin claim the Oswal house as a cursed place?

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