Udaariyan 4th February 2023 Written Update: Ekam senses that Nehmat is in trouble

Udaariyaan 4th February 2023 Written Update On SerialGossip.in

The episode starts with Nehmat being shocked to see Mallika in the farm house. Advait tries to explain to Nehmat. The latter stops Advait and says that she can see what the truth is. Mallika mocks Nehmat. She says that she is returning to Nehmat the pain of betrayal that she gave her. Nehmat angrily looks at Mallika and Advait. Nehmat says to Mallika that she didn’t have an affair with Advait and, even now, she’s keeping an undesired marriage with him. Sne says that she would have separated from Advait if Mallika told her that she still loved Advait. She asks Mallika what the need to do this. She admits that Mallika was wronged. She is stunned that Mallika who is her childhood friend, betrayed her. She says to Mallika that she could have talked to her once.

Mallika angrily reacts. She says that their friendship ended after she backstabbed her and asks her not to lecture her about friendship. She says that she gives back what she gave her. Nehmat says that they were victims of someone’s plotting. She refuses to talk about it. She says that she came to the restaurant to patch up with Mallika, but the latter refused to hear what she wanted to say. Mallika folds her hands in front of Nehmat and asks her to shut her mouth as she doesn’t want to listen to her. Nehmat notices the diamond bracelet in Mallika’s hand.

Mallika also notices the diamond bracelet in Nehmat’s hand. They are both shocked. Nehmat throws the bracelet at Advait. Nehmat says to Mallika that this is the truth of Advait. She berates him and says that he is a number one fraud who doesn’t deserve anyone’s trust. She says that she forgave him only for the family’s sake and tried to maintain their relationship. She regrets it. She says that she cuts off all the ties with Advait. She says that she was feeling guilty about breaking her friendship with Mallika by marrying Advait. She thanks Mallika and Advait for freeing her from her guilt feelings. She wishes that Mallika could see Advait’s true colors soon. Nehmat is about to leave. But Advait stops Nehmat. He says that she can’t leave as he needs her for his election victory.

Nehmat lashes out at Advait for using people for his benefit. She refuses to be a part of his political game anymore and helps him. Advait blames Mallika. He says that he made him feel guilty, so he was trying to reduce her pain. Nehmat asks if Advait can divorce her and marry Mallika, since no one would marry Mallika if the truth of their affair got exposed in the media. Mallika asks Nehmat not to worry about her. She doesn’t want her pity. She says that she doesn’t want Advait, who is a fraud. She says that both Nehmat and Advait are frauds and they’re perfect for each other. She says that she just wanted to give her the taste of her own medicine. Mallika leaves.

On the other hand, Ekam and Harleen are sitting in the tea stall where Ekam used to go with Nehmat. He is still worried about Nehmat and expresses it to Harleen. He also feels guilty for talking about Nehmat when he is with Harleen and hurts her. Here, Advait stops Nehmat from going after Mallika. Advait confesses that he wanted to take revenge on Ekam for his insult using Mallika. Nehmat slaps Advait. There, Harleen says to Ekam that she understands that he still worries about Nehmat and it’s not easy to forget the person whom they love. Ekam is surprised to see that Harleen is very understanding.

Here, Advait gets angry at Nehmat for slapping him. He asks Nehmat to go home. Nehmat refuses to return. She says that she’s not a toy to use the way he wants. She breaks up her relationship with Advait. Advait grabs her harshly and reminds her of Shamsher’s words. Nehmat also reminds him of Shamsher’s words to him. She says that it’s good that she learned about his affair with Mallika. She says that she doesn’t have any reason to tolerate him anymore. Advait says that she can’t leave till he wins the election. Nehmat says that if she stays with him, she will make sure that he will lose it. Advait forcibly drags Nehmat upstairs. He pushes her into a room. Nehmat’s head hits the sofa table and starts to bleed. Yet Nehmat tries to leave. Advait pulls her back and pushes her. The candles fall and the room catches fire.

There, Ekam coughs. Harleen says to Ekam to go and check on Nehmat for Ekam’s peace of mind, which surprises Ekam. Here, Advait pushes Nehmat hard. Nehmat’s head hits an object again and she faints. Advait realizes what he did and stands shocked. He looks around and sees the room is burning. Meanwhile, Ekam and Harleen are on the way. Ekam senses that Nehmat is in trouble and grows worried. Harleen thinks that Nehmat is lucky as Ekam loves her so much.

The episode ends.

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