A big twist has been shown in the Yeh Rishta Kya Kahalata Hai show. In the show, Vedika belongs to the Goenka family. Vedika and Kartika are going to get divorced. Vedika realized that Kartik Naira was never any different. Or the altar will never separate them. In such a case, Vedika has now decided to step between the two.
In the upcoming episode, Vedika talks about Kartik and Naira, how much they both love each other but Naira is not driven by Vedika and is constantly denying Karthik for all this. General Chat Chat Lounge In such a case, Vedika will take the car and reach out to her lawyer to prepare a divorce document.
There will be confusion in the house that Vedika has disappeared again from home. In the meantime, family members will be very upset. Then the train from the altar will stop outside and it will come in. Karthik quickly moves towards the altar and asks who has it where she has gone. After this, Vedika says that nothing will happen in Karthik’s hands.
Karthik will call Vedika – divorced? In such cases, Naira would say that Vedika was already divorced. Then Vedika will quickly say – these are my and Kartik’s divorce papers. Everyone will be surprised to hear the altar. In such cases, Kartik will explain why you are doing so. Then Vedika said that she had come among them. They are both made for each other.
Fans are excited about the upcoming track now. Vedika was heavily trolled on social media about why Naira Karthik is joining the show. Now Vedika has turned away from Kairaw.