Beyhadh 2 Upcoming Story and Spoilers: Maya and her revenge

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Episode begins with the voiceover where Maya is saying a storm has occurred in the life of two brothers, but both of them are unaware of the approaching danger. They don’t know a storm is yet to occur the name of the storm is Maya. Maya gets call about RIshi is trying to find out about your address and Maya smirks and says give it to him.

Rudra gets to know RIshi is searching for some girl and Rudra asks Rishi not to go anywhere or else his father will get a heart attack if he finds you missing. Ananya comes there and tries to flirt with Rudra and then she says the article came from a fake PR agency. Maya gets a call from a person informing her that someone else is also looking for your address.

Maya asks if it is Rudra?he says no but his good friend Ananya. Maya says to the guy let him search for me a little bit more. Rudra stopped Rishi from going anywhere. Maya is again writing her book and says that storm has fire within it and its nature is to burn down all and ends up as ashes. Maya says he doesn’t know about the storm that is going to strike you is waiting for years.
Rudra gets to hear the conversation of Ananya and his dad MJ and gets mad at his father. He says to his father you have no right on my life and if you keep on interfering then I will leave the house forgetting everything. Maya is keeping an eye on every event of them. Maya is watching all that is happening in the Roy house from the screen footage at her house. Rishi reached her house after buying flowers for her.

Maya gets up from her chair and brings out a gun from the drawer while Rishi rings the doorbell and finds the door is open already. Maya noticed from first floor that Rishi entered her house without permission. Rishi goes inside the house without her permission. Rishi sees the picture in the room of Maya and Maya acts like she is also terrified with his presence.
Rishi says her that he just wants to meet her and thank her for saving his life. Rishi is approaching towards Maya and says you should make new connection so that you can find happiness. Rishi wrote his phone number on the glass window and left her house. Maya goes back to normal mode once he left and she says I will keep on examine you to know your limit of love. She shot the smiley made on the window by Rishi while he feels happy to think he did make it.

Maya comes to meet Rudra at a bar. Rudra is having drinks at the bar and the bartender says your bill is paid already, he thinks it is paid by MJ but Rudra noticed it is paid by Maya Jaisingh. Rudra says I will give you deal at my company. She says I have done charity for your sadness as you don’t have a house to cry inside. She says if you want to sign me then either expand your capabilities or else leave watching dreams.
Rudra breaks the glass table and and Maya pours the wine glass on his wound. Rudra says I hate her and Maya says even I don’t love you but what can I do? my hatred didn’t let me go far.

Precap – MJ finds out someone is after his son…..Rudra and Maya meets again with each other.

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