Dhruv Tara Upcoming Story: Dhruv to leave Tara alone in the mental asylum?

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Sab TV launched a brand new show named Dhruv Tara starring Riya Sharma and Ishaan Dhawan. The first episode has been aired and the storyline is unique, something which the audience never experienced before.

A love story which will combine two people belong to different culture and generations will entertain the audience and will leave an impact on them.

Princess Tara Priya wants to fulfil her ambition and her brother Mahaveer is supporting her though their father is unaware of that. There Dhurv is a doctor who has his own agenda of living a life. How these two will come together that will be interesting to watch.

In previous episode, Tara reaches the 21st century and gets surprised seeing the Taj Mahal’s beauty. She then runs on the railline to save herself from a running train. Dhruv saves her on time and questions her why she was trying to commit suicide. Tara replies that she can never think of self killing.

He assumes she eloped from her wedding which she accepts but then she says she is King’s daughter Prince Tara Priya. Dhruv thinks she is a mental patient who needs to be admitted.

He asks her to sit on his bike and she puts a banana leaf to maintain a distance. She reaches hospital and nurses try to forcibly admit her. She pleads Dhruv not to leave her alone as she trusted him and told him her reality.

He leaves and she fights with the nurses and tells that she is not sick. She offers royal coins to the ward boy to get out of the place. There Dhruv faces issues in his family where his family members are arguing.

In future episodes viewers will see Tara will try to run away from the hospital and she will feel like she is stuck. There Samrat will ask King to punish Anusia because she helped Tara to elope but Mahaveer will stop him saying Anusia is his fiance so they can’t punish her.

How will Dhruv believe Tara?

To know what will happen next in your favourite shows, stay tuned to this space.

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