Kundali Bhagya 4th March 2023 Written Update: Karan and Preeta takes care of Preeta

Kundali Bhagya 4th March 2023 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

Episode begins with Kritika tells Luthras about Natasha and Roxy’s arrest. She switch on the TV. They watches breaking news and gets relieved seeing Karan and Preeta safe. Neha thanks Karan and Preeta. Mahesh calls Rishabh and asks him that if everyone is fine. Rishabh tells him that everyone is fine. Rakhi takes the phone from Mahesh. Rishabh video calls Rakhi. Preeta assures Rakhi that they are fine. Kareena asks them to come back house. Rakhi tells Karan and Preeta to return after finishing the honeymoon.

On the other hand, Nidhi watches the breaking news. She hope that Karan and Preeta are safe. She calls Karan but no response from other side. Manager apologizes to Luthras for giving room to Natasha and Roxy. Karan tells him that everyone is fine so it’s okay. Manager tells him that he assigned new room for him and Preeta. He says that he can give room to Srishti, Sameer and Rishabh too if they want to stay then.

Nidhi calls Rishabh and asks him that if Karan and Preeta are fine. Karan and Preeta talks to Nidhi and assures her that they are fine and disconnects the call. Sameer asks Karan to enjoy. Karan thanks Rishabh for coming. Srishti, Sameer and Rishabh leaves the hotel.

Manager shows the new room to Karan and Preeta. He says that he put the shopping bag in the room which Karan forgot in his car. Karan thanks Manager. He asks Preeta to wear that dress. Preeta goes inside the bathroom. Karan waits for her ( Tera hoke rahoon song plays in the background ). After some time, Preeta comes out of the bathroom. He places a kiss on her hand. She gets shy and moves from there. He goes to her and back hugs her. He makes her face him and caresses her cheeks. They lays down on the bed and he kisses her.

Luthras gets excited seeing Karan and Preeta. Dadi asks them that if they are fine. Kareena says that Rishabh handled Natasha and Roxy’s case. Sameer says that Natasha and Roxy will rot in jail permanently. Rakhi welcomes Karan and Preeta. They takes Rakhi’s blessings. Kavya asks her parents to take her blessings too. Everyone laughs hearing Kavya. Kavya says that she want brother. Preeta gets shy and goes inside. Karan follows her. He tells her that he troubled his family always and now he want to make them happy. She throws pillow at him. Kavya comes there and asks Preeta to not beat Karan.

After few days, Preeta vomits. Mahesh calls the doctor. Doctor reveals that Preeta is pregnant. Luthras gets happy hearing her. After 5 months, Rakhi performs puja and she gives prasad to everyone. Later, Kavya and Karan takes care of Preeta. Preeta thanks God for keeping everyone happy.

Episode ends.

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