Kyunki Saas Maa Bahu Beti hoti hai 18th November 2023 Written Update: Kiran thrashes Ansh

Kyunki Saas Maa Bahu Beti hoti hai 18th November 2023 Written Update on

The episode starts with Ambica praying for Kesar’s well being. Kesar comes to Rajgaur mansion. Kesar gives the diamond park designs to Suraj. Suraj gets stunned seeing this. Suraj asks Kesar how was it possible. Kesar says with her hard work and dedication. Leela asks Kesar if she convinced Mulchand to do the design again. Mulchand comes and praises Kesar infront of the Rajgaur family saying she did the impossible and she recalled the complete design and made it with her staff. Suraj later says to Kesar that her real goal was to get funding for her project not making designs. Suraj asks Kesar what did she do about it. Malchand hearing this says to Kesar that he will invest in Kesar’s project.

Kiran comes to Ansh and beats the crap out of him. Ansh thinks this couldn’t be Moksh as he beat the crap out Moksh yesterday. Dhruvi comes and sees Ansh getting beaten up by Kiran. Dhruvi hits Kiran on the back of his head with a stick. Kiran runs away from there. Asnh says this couldn’t be Moksh and says there is something wrong.

Malchand says he is surprised as Kesar didn’t get investment for her project. Malchand it’s his luck. Malchand assures Kesar that he will invest in her project. Malchand later leaves from there. Suraj praises Kesar sarcastically and indirectly comments on her.

Kabir thanks God as Kesar got an investor for her project. Darshan questions Kabir that if he is concerned about Kesar that much why did he destroy that file. Kabir says to Darshan that he didn’t do it intentionally and asks Darshan to trust him. Darshan agrees.

Dhruvi brings Ansh home. Dhruvi calls all the family members they see that Ansh is beaten up bad. Jinal asks Ansh what happened. Ansh says someone tried to rob him but Dhruvi came and saved him at the right time.

Ansh later calls Aarthi and says to Aarthi that the Moksh who hit him is different from the Moksh who he had beaten up yesterday. Ansh says he feels that they are split personalities in a body. Ansh says he will tell Kabir about it and find out the truth. Aarthi pleads Ansh not to tell anything to Kabir as he is already troubled with his friend being in the hospital. Ansh agrees.

Kiran says to Moksh that Ansh suspected there is something wrong with them. Moksh says they will be in trouble if Ansh tells Kabir about it. Kiran suggests Moksh that they should do marriage with Aarthi as quickly as possible. Moksh agrees.

Suraj at the dining table thinks of how to ruin Kesar’s dream. Kesar shares the good news with her family that she ordered the first batch of machines to make diamonds. Suraj thinks of destroying Kesar’s dream.

Jugni asks Kabir to tell the truth to Kesar. Jugni asks Kabir to tell what kind of a bad person Suraj is and how much he loves Kesar. Kesar drops her file. Kabir thinks she overheard their conversation and tries to give an explanation to Kesar but Kabir sees Kesar taking EarPods out of her ears and understands she hasn’t heard anything. Kesar asks Jugni what is he saying to her. Kabir says it’s nothing and takes Jugni away from there.

Jugni asks Kabir why didn’t he say the truth. Kabir says if he told the truth Macchan’s life support will be off. Kabir asks Jugni to go to the hospital and leaves from there.

Kiran and Moksh give a lot of money to Shakuntala and says to Shakuntala that it’s time to marry Aarthi. Shakuntala agrees to their proposal seeing the money. Kiran opens the door and finds Kabir.

Kabir asks Kiran what is he doing here. Kiran says he wanted to eat food made by Shakuntala. Kabir comes into his house. Moksh hides from Kabir. Moksh leaves the house without Kabir’s notice. Kiran also later leaves from there.

Shakuntala asks Kabir to take a few days off as within a week Aarthi’s marriage is going to happen. Kabir asks why are they doing Aarthi’s marriage this early. Shakuntala makes up a reason for it.

Ambica tells the electrician what he has to do as Kesar new diamond cutting machine is coming today.

Suraj brings Leela’s husband to the hall and makes him do exercises. Kesar asks Suraj put the brakes to the wheel chair while doing exercises. Suraj thinks Kesar has ordered her and gets mad at her.

Suraj tells someone what he has to do with the diamond cutting machines.

Moksh sees that Aarthi is about to die so he transfuses all the blood back into Aarthi’s body. Kiran doesn’t agree to it at first but later agrees for the transfusion wiyh Moksh’s insistence.

Kabir sets Leela’s husband hearing aid right. Kesar asks Suraj to be careful as Leela’s husband hearing aid is hurting him. Suraj agrees and thanks Kesar.

Kesar tries to tell her staff hoe to use the diamond cutting machines. Suraj stops Kesar and asks Kesar to do Prashad for Goddess. Kesar agrees and leaves from there. Suraj calls Kabir and asks him to come.

Episode ends.

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