Parineetii 22nd November 2022 Written Update: Parminder on cloud nine seeing Parineet and Rajeev attend the pooja together

Parineetii 22nd November 2022 Written Update On

The episode starts with Babli talking with someone in phone. She shares with that person that she gave fitting reply to that Monty. If he tries to mess with her again she will break his nose. Monty comes there and thinks that he wouldn’t have come here if he don’t need her help. Babli cuts the call seeing him. Both starts arguing with each other. Monty asks Babli to help him. He narrates the situation to her. Babli asks him where will Neeti go? Monty asks her to stop Neeti from attending the pooja. Babli complaints that already Neeti troubling Parineet a lot. She won’t help her. Monty tells that Neeti shouldn’t learn the truth. If he want to save her then he shouldn’t have married twice. Monty pleads with her but she refused to help him. Babli remembered Parineeti’s words and assures to help him. Monty asks her to lock Neeti somewhere. She asks him how will she kidnap her? He asks her to just stop her that’s enough. She demands him to stay with her to stop her.

Later, Chandrika searches for Rajeev there. Chandrika asks him to come out asap. Pooja will start in few minutes. Rajeev says to Neeti that he is getting late because of her. Neeti complaints that she was helping him to look handsome but he is accusing her. Phone rings there Neeti leaves to attend it. Babli calls Neeti from unknown number. Babli lies to her that she is calling from Air lines company. She wants to collect her information to finish some formalise. It’s office protocol. Neeti says that she wants to attend a pooja. Doesn’t she know she was on leave. She asks Neeti to share her identity card number reasoning they needs her number to confirm her details. Neeti searched her Adhard card and shares the number to her. She asks Neeti to give her Passport number. Neeti complaints that she isn’t saying anything early.

Rajeev leaves from there. Biji complaints to Rajeev that he isn’t bringing his wife along with him. What will people think about them? Rajeev thinks that he might take Parineet with him or else Biji gets doubt on him. Meanwhile, Parineet comes there. Biji praises her beauty and introduces her to relatives. Gurinder thinks that let her do whatever she wants. But soon her happiness will fade out. Babli trying to confuse Neeti and asking few more details to her to make her delay. Neeti complaints that they are troubling her even after she was on leave. Neeti inquires her about her details. Somehow Babli manages the situation. Monty excuses her.

Parineet and Rajeev are attending the pooja. Rajeev prays god to stop Neeti. Parineet says that she shouldn’t sit with him but she has no other option in her hand. Chandrika praises their jodi. Amitha says to her that Neeti is real daughter-in-law of the house. Chandrika says that everything happening because of Rajeev’s mistake. He betrayed Parineet and ruined her life. Amitha says that they are not able to do anything in it. Chandrika asks him to stop supporting him. Monty comes there to chech the pooja. He notices Simar there and flirts with her.
Babli notices them together and thinks that he was fooling her. He asked her to divert Neeti and he was busy in flirting with Simar. She sends Simar from there and inform him that Neeti got irritated and disconnects the call. She will reach here in few minutes. Meanwhile, Pariminder and her husband admires Parineet and Rajeev’s pair. They feels that god’s blessing is with Parineet and Rajeev. It seems Rajeev and Neeti’s relationship won’t stays long. Parminder shares her happiness with her husband. Gurinder thinks that everyone happiness will be fade away after the pooja end. Truth will be out in few minutes.

Episode end

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